Akka Cluster - simple example
- Launch first node which joins itself and runs at port 2551 using
sbt "runMain me.eax.akka_examples.AkkaClusterExample"
- Modify the application.conf and change the port to 0.
- Launch the second node which join the first node at 2551 and also subscribes to the events.
sbt "runMain me.eax.akka_examples.AkkaClusterExampleNew"
- In the output of second node, you should see 2 events for MemberUp. 1 for old node 2551 and 1 for new one.
[Listener] node is up: Member(address = akka.tcp://system@, status = Up)
[Listener] node is up: Member(address = akka.tcp://system@, status = Up)