
Clojure wrapper for the Trello API

Primary LanguageClojure


Clojure wrapper for the Trello API.

Official Trello Docs | Official Trello API Reference


Trello is available from Clojars.org. To use it, add the following as a dependency in Leiningen or Boot.

[me.bsima/trello "0.3.0"]


First, generate your api key and api token: trello.com/1/appKey/generate

From there you can obtain a key and secret from the Trello developer dashboard. Now you can make a client like so:

user> (def auth {:key "..." :secret "..."})
user> (require '[trello.core :refer [make-client]])
#<Var@a17a546: {:key "...", :secret "..."}>
user> (def client (make-client (:key auth) (:secret auth)))
#<Var@7d383c5d: #object[trello.core$callfn 0x6823295a "trello.core$callfn@6823295a"]>

With this client, you can make any request to a public Trello board that you want. You just need to use trello.client/get, which takes a resource as a string and an optional map of :params:

user> (require '[trello.client :as t])
user> (doc t/get)
([resource & {params :params}])
  Calls a Trello API resource with optional params.
user> (client t/get "boards/Tb4b74V5" :params {:members "all"})
{:closed false,
 :desc "",
 :pinned false,
 :name "My Trello Board",

You can have more fine-grained control over calling specific API endpoints with trello.client/api-call

user> (doc t/api-call)
([method path & {:keys [params payload]}])
  Calls the Trello API with the provided endpoint, HTTP method, and
  params. Returns the response as a Clojure data
  structure (automatically parses the JSON response with
user> (client t/api-call :GET "boards/my-board-id")
{:closed false,
 :desc "",
 :pinned false,
 :name "My Trello Board",

If you want to access private Trello boards, you'll need to get an access token from Trello. To do this you can use the following URL


Things Built with Trello and Clojure

The main reason I'm building this library is because I'm using it at nebulabio/www, which is a Clojure web app hosted on Heroku meant for crowdfunding my open source biomedical engineering projects.

If you use this library to make something cool with Clojure and Trello, share it! Message me on Twitter @bensima or submit a PR or an issue here on GitHub with a link back to your project.


This is a fork and rewrite of boxuk/trello. Largely inspired by @danielsz's clojure-etsy-api and @ianbarber's clj-gapi. In fact, some of the functions are borrowed from @danielsz, and mentioned as such in the function meta data. Thanks Daniel!


Copyright © Ben Sima.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.