
This project helps to create buckets in S3(AWS) and list out Bucket information

  1. What is this project for.
  2. Prerequisite.
  3. How to get prepared.
  4. How to execute.
  5. Next release.

1. Sandbox environment automation using Terraform

This is a simple ansible role to perform the below tasks

  • This role will create buckets in aws S3. This has capability to create multiple bucket at a single shot using an input variable file with the list of buckets named
  • This role will help us to list out the details of AWS S3 buckets as follows
    • Number of files in individual buckets in AWS S3 bucket_details_files
    • Bucket creation data along with time bucket_details_1
    • Size of the S3 Buckets bucket_details_files_sizes
    • Last modifed files in list bucket_details_files_latest

2. Prerequisite

This is developed over ansible which is a very light weight tool for configuration management. It need some of basic pre-requisite

  • Python 3+ : As this is pre-requisite for ansible for execution
    • How to get this: We can use apt installer for installing python - apt install python3.6, once installed please verify with command- python3 --version
  • Boto3 libraries : Boto3 library is used for interating with AWS services using api calls.
    • How to get this: have to follow below steps for right installation,
      • apt install python3-pip , Used to install pip (package installer for python)
      • pip3 install boto3, boto package for aws cli execution
      • pip3 install awsebcli --upgrade, to upgrade awsebcli packages
      • eb --version, to check whether package is installed
      • pip install --upgrade awscli, upgrade awscli package
  • Ansible Installer: Ansible package is essential for executing this project
    • How to get this: We can install ansible by using simple command - apt install ansible

3. How to get prepared

Once the pre-requisite are done, we are ready to get started with the execution. A very minimul changes are needed,

  • Firstly, please clone the this project to any of your location directory on linux machine(Can be Ubuntu)
  • Once cloned, we need to update credentials.properties file for authenticating to AWS. This need 3 parameters to be updated,
    • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION You can update this using the this aws help
  • Once updated, you can go ahead with the execution

4. How to execute

Execution of this project is designed in very simple way. We have 2 ways for execution,

  • Create bucket in S3
    • ansible-playbook test.yml -e "create_bucket=true" - This command will execute the create bucket logic for creating buckets in S3 create_bucket_out
  • Get the details of buckets in S3
    • ansible-playbook test.yml -e "bucket_details=true" - This command fetched all details mentioned in section-1

5. Next release

This is an initial kick start for AWS S3 utilities using ansible. Will be updating more in the next releases,

  • Cleaning filtering of output for bucket size, number of files etc.,
  • Create bucket and fetch details of bucket in a single playbook.
  • custom modules for aws s3 utilities using python will be added as support

Happy for Support

Feel free to fork the code and modify it.