
Streaming JSON encoding and decoding in Clojure with jsonista

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Clojure library for fast streaming encoding and decoding of JSON alongside jsonista

API docs

See API.md



io.github.bsless/jsonista.streams {:mvn/version "0.0.2"}


[io.github.bsless/jsonista.streams "0.0.2"]



(require '[bsless.jsonista.streams :as js])

Values Stream

read-values returns a reducible Iterator over the JSON values and is completely lazy:

;; Just allocate an object
(read-values (json/write-value-as-string [{:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}]))

Since the resulting object is reducible, we can reduce over it without deserializing the entire payload:

 (map :a)
 (-> [{:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}]
     (read-values json/keyword-keys-object-mapper)))
;; => [1 2 3]

Streaming writing

Similarly, we can use write-values to directly emit values without creating the entire blob in memory. This can be useful for quickly getting data out of a process instead of accumulating a large blob, consuming heap and resources.

 (doto (StringWriter.)
   (write-values [1 2 3])));; => "[1,2,3]"

We can also change the format of the output writer:

 (doto (StringWriter.)
    [1 2 3]
    {:write-value-as-array false
     :root-value-separator "\n"})))
;; => "1\n2\n3"

A newline separated JSON might be preferable for some APIs and consumers.

Putting it together

By using lazy encoding and decoding together, we can construct flows which only ever hold one decoded object in memory:

(let [original-data [{:a 1} {:a 2} {:a 3}]
      input (json/write-value-as-string original-data)
      stream (read-values input json/keyword-keys-object-mapper)
      flow (->Eduction (map :a) stream)
      writer (StringWriter.)]
  (write-values writer flow)
  (.toString writer))
;; => "[1,2,3]"


Run the project's tests:

$ clojure -T:build test

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$ clojure -T:build ci

Install it locally (requires the ci task be run first):

$ clojure -T:build install

Generate docs:

$ clojure -M:quickdoc

Future goals

Archiving this project once it gets merged into jsonista.


Copyright © 2022 Ben Sless

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.