This repository contains the working scripts for running the ETHD methodology in 2D on various model potentials.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the working scripts for running the ETHD methodology in 2D on various model potentials.

The code currently works as follows:

  1. The driver of the code is a function called "run_2D()"
  2. Here, we have 3 loops, for model, entanglement_option (ent_opt), and case (p0 = 3, p0 = 4)
  3. Details for each model and case are found in the funciton "init_params". In this function, the user will define what the model and case will be.
  4. run_2D() then calls run_QC(), for a specific model, ent_opt, and case combination. (QC = Quantum Classical). Quantum will be soon implimented in this script.

Some examples are as follows:


def run2D(): for model in [1]: for ent_opt in [0]: for case in [0,1]:

            params = init_params(model, case)
            run_test(Nsnaps, Nsteps, params, case, ent_opt)

In this example (EXAMPLE 1), passed to init_params(model, case) is model = 1 and case = 0. This would correspond to the following in the init_params() fucntion: if model == 1: # Martens' model I if case == 0: params.update({"model":1, "q0":-1.0, "q1":0.0, "p0":3.0, "p1":0.0, "sq0":0.25, "sq1":0.25, "sp0":0.0, "sp1":0.0})

Now that our params dictionary is made and updated, we now being our simulaiton using this specific model and case. ent_opt = 0 corresponds to classical simulation. The output file titlels "output" will appear as follows: _output_XYZ, where X = model, Y = ent_opt, and Z = case.

EXAMPLE 2: def run2D(): for model in [1,2]: for ent_opt in [0,1]: for case in [0,1]:

            params = init_params(model, case)
            run_test(Nsnaps, Nsteps, params, case, ent_opt)

In this exmaple (EXAMPLE 2), we study both of Martens' models, with both classical and ETHD methodologies, and examine 2 cases where the initial momentum is different.