This setup guide is a collection of suggestions to turn Emacs into a (sort of) complete development environment for Erlang and Elixir.
It is not a complete solution like Spacemacs, but instead it shows various options for setting up Your environment.
The only prerequisites are that the following components are installed on Your system:
This setup guide is currently developped and tested only on a Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit system. It has to be tested and verified on other systems as well!!!
- basic things
- setup
user information
- setup
- basic emacs stuff
- user setup
- neotree
- projectile
- helm
- help-projectile
- projective (optional)
- magit
- company
- powerline
- markdown-mode+
- VI for Emacs
- EVIL (optional)
- powerline-evil
- Erlang/OTP related
- erlang-mode
- alchemist
- Elixir related
- elixir-mode
- alchemist
Before You clone this repository, You should check Your environment:
- Can You start Erlang's shell
? Hint: To terminateerl
followed byRETURN
. - Can You start Elixir's shell
? Hint: To terminateiex
followed by 'a'. - Can You start Emacs?
Hint: To exit
with only keystrokes enterCTRL+x
followed byCTRL+c
. - Do You know where Your
file is? - Do You know where Your
file is?
There are three example files:
: an emacs configuration file.emacs
: a git configuration file.gitconfig
: an additional file for git with default excludes.gitignore_global
TBD: There are files in an unixish environment, like Linux, Ubuntu, and should be the same for Mac OS X. Are they also valid for Windows systems?
This is an optional step, but You should really do this. If You don't use git, but another source control management system, check with it manuals for similar steps.
Check if Your Name and E-Mail address is correct.
This is information is located in Your .gitconfig
name = Firstname Lastname
email =
Having global exclude patterns, so You don't have to include them in every project as well, is a two part process:
First check You .gitconfig
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
And afterwards have a look at .gitignore_global
# editor files
# erlang related
There are just some example patterns.
Careful with the patterns used... Just don't forget about the .gitignore_global
- Ubuntu 14.04, but it should run on 12.x and more recent systems as well