
React Hooks to keep state in Sets and Maps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Collections

This provides two React Hooks, useSet and useMap, that can be used to keep state in Sets or Maps, respectively.


Sets and Maps are very interesting for a few reasons, but they are tricky to use as the value of useState, because the methods they have to add and remove entries mutate the set/map instead of returning a new instance.

The hooks in this module give you a Set/Map that rerender the component when you mutate them, so you don't have to worry about calling a setter function with a whole copy of the Set/Map.


import { useSet } from '@bsonntag/react-collections';

function App() {
    const items = useSet(['foo', 'bar']);

    return (
                {[...items].map(item => <li key={item}>{item}</li>)}
            {/* These will mutate the set and rerender the component: */}
            <button onClick={() => items.add('biz')}>add</button>
            <button onClick={() => items.delete('biz')}>remove</button>



function useSet<T>(
    init?: Iterable<T> | (() => Iterable<T>)
): Set<T>

Returns a Set that rerenders the component when it is updated.

Optionally receives initial entries for the Set, or a function that returns the initial entries.


function useMap<K, V>(
    init?: Iterable<[K, V]> | (() => Iterable<[K, V]>)
): Map<K, V>

Returns a Map that rerenders the component when it is updated.

Optionally receives initial entries for the Map, or a function that returns the initial entries.
