
Python wrapper for the Apache OpenWhisk REST API

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenWhisk Client Python

Python wrapper for the Apache OpenWhisk REST API

Start by instantiating an OpenWhisk object:

whisk = OpenWhisk(wsk_auth) # see notes below on how to obtain your wsk_auth

OpenWhisk has five main concepts:

  • Actions
  • Activations
  • Packages
  • Rules
  • Triggers

An OpenWhisk object has a property for each of these so you can easily access the current list of each.

print(whisk.actions)  # return a list of json records, one for each whisk action
print(whisk.action_names)  # returns a list of names of the current whisk actions

See the repl example below to understand how to invoke whisk.systems actions and how to create and then invoke your own Python-based whisk actions.

Authentiction Tokens

The key prerequisite is an Open Whisk authentication token that is generated via the wsk command line interface (cli) tool or via a webpage of your Open Whisk server. This authentication token is a ~100 character string with a ":" in it. If you have the wsk cli tool, then you can do wsk property get to get your “wsk auth”. Alternatively, if you are on Bluemix, you can get your authentication token by logging into https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/learn/cli .

The openwhisk.py script needs a valid Open Whisk authentication token to initialize and will attempt to accept this token in four different ways:

  • As a parameter in the openwhisk.OpenWhisk() call (unwieldy, but it works)
  • From a $OPENWHISK_TOKEN environment variable (recommended)
  • By importing a local wsk_auth.py which defines a wsk_auth variable
  • If all of these fail, it opens a webpage to see if the user can login, copy, and paste in their wsk auth

repl usage example:

>>>import openwhisk
>>>whisk = openwhisk.OpenWhisk() < ># Assumes that $OPENWHISK_TOKEN environment variable has been set
['_', 'wendel_p_whisk@whisknamics.org_dev', 'wendel_p_whisk@whisknamics.org']
['Hello World', 'Hello World With Params', 'python_action', 'xyz_action']
[{'name': 'python_action', 'publish': False, [...]}]
['echo', 'python_action']
Counter({'echo': 30, 'python_action': 12})
['Bluemix_Weather Company Data for IBM Bluemix-k6_Credentials-1']
>>>whisk.invoke_echo('Anyone home!!')
{'message': 'Anyone home!!'}
>>>whisk.system_utils_invoke('echo', message='my message')
{'message': 'my message'} >>>whisk.action_create(filename='hello.py', action_name='python_hello')
>>>whisk.action_invoke('python_hello', name='Wendel')
{'greeting': 'Hello Wendel!'}

openwhisk Module


Set of utility functions to communicate with OpenWhisk at Bluemix

    Define environment variable
        OPENWHISK_TOKEN ~100 character authorization token with a colon ':'
          can be found at https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/learn/cli
          or by doing `wsk property get`

    Define environment variables
        OPENWHISK_APIHOST or will default to 'openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net'
        OPENWHISK_NAMESPACE or will default to '_' (TOKEN's email address)


  • DEBUG = False

openwhisk.OpenWhisk Objects


If a requests.Session has been opened, then close() it

__init__(self, auth=None)

See: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/openwhisk/learn/cli Your ~100 char auth can be found at that URL or by doing wsk property get

action_create(self, filename, action_name)

Uploads contents of the specified file to the specified action.

action_delete(self, action_name)

Deletes the specified action.

action_invoke(self, action_name)

Invokes the specified action in blocking mode.

abstract property action_names
abstract property actions
actions_list(self, skip=0, limit=999)

Lists the actions defined in openwhisk.

abstract property activation_counts
abstract property activation_ids
activation_info(self, activation_id)

Returns a sorted list of the ids of all activation.

activation_logs(self, activation_id)

Returns the logs for a given activation id.

activation_results(self, activation_id)

Returns a sorted list of the ids of all activation.

abstract property activations

Lists the activations defined in openwhisk.

get_a_url(self, url, payload=None)
invoke_echo(self, message)

Issues a very basic echo request

abstract property namespace
abstract property namespaces

Lists the namespaces defined in openwhisk.

abstract property package
package_create(self, filename, package_name)

Uploads contents of the specified file to the specified package.

package_delete(self, package_name)

Deletes the specified package.

package_info(self, package_name)

Deletes the specified package.

abstract property packages

Lists the packages defined in openwhisk.

post_a_url(self, url, payload=None)
rule_create(self, filename, rule_name)

Uploads contents of the specified file to the specified rule.

rule_delete(self, rule_name)

Deletes the specified package.

rule_info(self, rule_name)

Deletes the specified package.

abstract property rules

Lists the rules defined in openwhisk.

system_utils_invoke(self, action_name, **kwargs)

Invokes any action in whisk.system/utils

trigger_create(self, filename, trigger_name)

Uploads contents of the specified file to the specified trigger.

trigger_delete(self, trigger_name)

Deletes the specified package.

trigger_info(self, trigger_name)

Deletes the specified package.

abstract property triggers

Lists the triggers defined in openwhisk.

abstract property url_actions
abstract property url_activations
abstract property url_current_namespace
abstract property url_packages
abstract property url_rules
abstract property url_triggers