
Solved Problems of HackerRank - www.hackerrank.com

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of solutions and explanations of Hackerrank.com problems in many languages.

Solved problems of HackerRank. www.hackerrank.com


To see every contributors, please reference at here.


Cracking the Coding Interview


Data Structures

Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Arrays: Left Rotation
Strings: Making Anagrams
Hash Tables: Ransom Note
Linked Lists: Detect a Cycle
Stacks: Balanced Brackets
Queues: A Tale of Two Stacks
Tries: Contacts


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Sorting: Bubble Sort
Sorting: Comparator
Hash Tables: Ice Cream Parlor
DFS: Connected Cell in a Grid


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Time Complexity: Primality
Recursion: Fibonacci Numbers
Recursion: Davis' Staircase
DP: Coin Change
Bit Manipulation: Lonely Integer

Contest: OLX - Code and the Curious


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Sell Statistics Query System

Contest: Week of Code 37

Problem Python3 C++ PHP
The Average Rating of Top Employees
Simple Language



Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Solve Me First
Simple Array Sum
Compare the Triplets
A Very Big Sum
Diagonal Difference
Plus Minus
Mini-Max Sum
Birthday Cake Candles
Time Conversion


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Grading Students
Apple and Orange
Between Two Sets
Breaking the Records
Birthday Chocolate
Divisible Sum Pairs
Migratory Birds
Day of the Programmer
Bon Appétit
Sock Merchant
Drawing Book
Counting Valleys
Electronics Shop
Cats and a Mouse
Picking Numbers
Climbing the Leaderboard
The Hurdle Race
Designer PDF Viewer
Utopian Tree
Jumping on the Clouds: Revisited
Find Digits
Extra Long Factorials
Jumping on the Clouds
Minimum Distances


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Super Reduced String
Strong Password
Two Characters
Caesar Cipher
Mars Exploration
HackerRank in a String!
Alternating Characters
String Construction
Ashton and String


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Big Sorting
Intro to Tutorial Challenges
Insertion Sort - Part 1
Counting Sort 1


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Ice Cream Parlor


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Marc's Cakewalk

Dynamic Programming

Problem Python3 C++ PHP
The Maximum Subarray

Bit Manipulation

Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Lonely Integer
Maximizing XOR
Flipping bits

Data Structures


Problem Python3 C++ PHP
Arrays - DS
2D Array - DS

Functional Programming


Problem Clojure
Solve Me First FP
Hello World
Hello World N Times
List Replication
Filter Array
Filter Positions in a List
Array Of N Elements
Reverse a List
Sum of Odd Elements
List Length
Update List
Evaluating e^x


Basic Select

Problem MySQL
Revising the Select Query I
Revising the Select Query II
Select All
Select By ID
Japanese Cities' Attributes
Japanese Cities' Names
Weather Observation Station 1
Weather Observation Station 3
Weather Observation Station 4
Weather Observation Station 5
Weather Observation Station 6
Weather Observation Station 7
Weather Observation Station 8
Weather Observation Station 9
Weather Observation Station 10
Weather Observation Station 11
Weather Observation Station 12
Higher Than 75 Marks
Employee Names
Employee Salaries