
⭐ Production-ready static website boilerplate featuring Webpack 5, TypeScript, PostCSS & Tailwind CSS.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Starbase v4

Starbase is a production-ready static website boilerplate featuring Webpack 5, TypeScript, PostCSS & Tailwind CSS that has been designed to integrate with modern Jamstack hosting providers including Vercel, Netlify and AWS Amplify.

Begin developing in minutes with some of the most powerful front-end technologies available in 2024, powered by a delightfully simple and fully featured developer experience.

The primary mission of Starbase is to be simple -- easy to configure, extend and integrate. This also happens to make it a great platform for web developers to become more familiar with bare-metal Webpack configs, TypeScript and/or Tailwind CSS.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Created by Brian Staruk. A constant work in progress since March 18, 2017.


This project was built and tested on Node.js v20 LTS. It will most likely work with earlier versions as well, but I always stick to the latest LTS whenever possible and suggest you do as well!

To get started, run the command below, which will guide you through the installation process:

npx starbase@next


Developing Locally

Starbase utilizes webpack-dev-server to monitor changes and serve your project locally.

After running npm run dev in the project root, src will be served at http://localhost:8080. Any changes made to code in src will trigger recompilation of the project, refreshing your browser to display the latest updates.

npm run dev

Building for Production

Use npm run build in your project root to run a production build.

Production builds compile & minify your assets into /dist for distribution and/or integration into whatever codebase you'll be using these assets in.

npm run build

Notes & Considerations

Deploying to Hosting Environment

Starbase is setup to run with assets referenced via relative paths, so compiled .html files can be distributed and opened in a web browser without requiring a deployment to a hosting environment.

If you will be deploying your project to a hosting environment (Netlify, Vercel, etc), you will likely want to switch to absolute paths. To do this, you can set the publicPath in webpack/webpack.config.base.js.

This variable should be set to / if the app will run at the root of a (sub)domain, or to /folder-name if it'll be deployed to a subfolder.


Starbase is free, open source software. Please build awesome things with it. You can buy me a beer next time you're in Boston, star the project and tell a friend, or you can erase all signs of origin and tell your coworkers that you made it yourself. It's all good!