A bag of simple MELT examples, by Basile Starynkevitch 
(France, working at CEA, LIST)  <basile@starynkevitch.net>

MELT is a Domain Specific Language to extend the GCC compiler. See
http://gcc-melt.org/ for more about MELT, and http://gcc.gnu.org/ for
more about GCC.

The examples are either public domain, or free software licensed under
the LGPL license. (licensing may vary from file to file).  They are
developped on Gnu/Linux/Debian/Sid with a GCC 4.6 or better compiler.

Please discuss these examples and anything MELT related on the
low-traffic gcc-melt@googlegroups.com; we invite you to subscribe to
that list http://groups.google.com/group/gcc-melt if interested in
MELT (and in these examples).

Each example has a small file SUMMARY. Here they are:
==> ex01/SUMMARY <==
ex01/ - hello world in MELT                                      [Public Domain]

==> ex02/SUMMARY <==
ex02/ - counting functions in MELT with a simple Gimple pass    [public domain]

==> ex03/SUMMARY <==
ex03/ - showing the GCC pass names thru MELT hooks   [public domain]

==> ex04/SUMMARY <==
ex04/ - searching simple function signatures [plugin domain]

==> ex05/SUMMARY <==
ex05/ - search fflush(NULL) in every function named bar*

==> ex06/SUMMARY <==
ex06/  -- typecheck JANSSON variadic functions

       a MELT extension (LGPLv3 license) to typecheck json_pack and
       json_unpack variadic functions from
       http://www.digip.org/jansson (a C library for JSON
==> ex07/SUMMARY <==
ex07/     show the passes done by GCC [public domain]===========