
Code for my package of random functions called {StatonMisc}

Primary LanguageR


This is an R package containing shortcut utility functions commonly used by B. Staton in his R code, and most other packages he's written will import the needed version by default. It can be installed from R as follows:


Note that you must have the devtools package installed first.

Example functions include:

  • ext_device() which creates a new graphics window using the operating system-specific graphics function. For example, if the user is using a PC, the effect is the same as calling windows() or if on a Mac, the effect is the same as calling quartz()

  • cv2sig() and sig2cv(), which are opposite transformations of one another and are used to convert back and forth between the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of a lognormal random variable

  • doy2date() and date2doy(), which are also opposites. They convert numbers back and forth from 1-365 (or 366 if a leap year) to MM/DD/YYYY format

  • beta_mm(), which is used to calculate the shape parameters of a beta distribution when passed a vector of assumed i.i.d. beta random variables using moment matching

  • logit() and expit(), which perform the logit and inverse-logit transformations, respectively

  • %!in%, which is the opposite of %in%. Allows users to specify

    x %!in% y

    Rather than

    !(x %in% y)

    When determining which elements of the vector x are not found in the vector y

All functions have associated help files. Though it may seem like a silly package, it is the first one created by B. Staton and it's been used as a training exercise.

Bug fixes or suggested additions can be submitted via either issues or pull requests.