
A map of my influences from philosophy and novels.

I have been greatly influenced through the years by different novels and philosophical "ramblings" I've read. Here I've assembled a map of the most influential authors and works. I hope that by observing, someone else will be motivated to read these wonderful ideas.

Updated 2024-03-02

graph TD;
    subgraph Stoicism
    melville(Herman Melville<br>Moby Dick)
    aurelius(Marcus Aurelius<br>Meditations)
    seneca(Seneca<br>On the Shortness of Life)
    melville -- Memento mori --> aurelius -- Would share a beer with --> seneca
    subgraph Existentialism
    solomon(King Solomon<br>Ecclesiastes)
    camus(Albert Camus<br>The Plague, The Myth of Sisyphus)
    kierkegaard(Søren Kierkegaard<br>Fear and Trembling, Either/Or)
    solomon -- Life is vain/absurd --> camus -- How does religion fit in? --> kierkegaard

    subgraph Asceticism
    salinger(J.D. Salinger<br>Catcher in the Rye)
    hesse(Herman Hesse<br>Siddhartha)
    thoreau(Henry Thoreau<br>Walden)
    salinger -- Is similar to --> hesse -- Monk mode is the answer --> thoreau

    camus -- One must imagine Sisyphus happy --> aurelius

    hesse -- Monk mode is not the answer --> kierkegaard
