
A collection of simple but useful Bash scripts so I don't have to remember the commands.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of simple but useful Bash scripts so I don't have to remember the commands. Most scripts deal with .pdf or video file manipulation/conversion. Some scripts have become less "simple" over time as I add more functionality, but my goal is to make the code easy to understand over making it compact or efficient.

See LICENSE for details.

PDF Scripts

  • djvu2pdf.sh
    • Convert .djvu to .pdf
    • Requires ddjvu
  • pdf2png.sh
    • Convert .pdf to a set of .pngs
  • pdf2png2pdf.sh
    • Convert .pdf to .png and then back to .pdf
    • Useful for stripping hyperlinks and searchable text in PDFs
    • Requires imagemagick
  • pdfcombine.sh
    • Combine multiple .pdf files into a single .pdf
    • Requires pdftk

Video Scripts

  • avcomb.sh
    • Combine the audio stream of video 1 with the video stream of video 2
    • Requires ffmpeg
  • to-webm.sh
    • Converts a video container file (e.g. .mp4) to .webm format
    • Requires ffmpeg
  • vid2avi.sh
    • Convert a compatible video container file to .avi while trying to maintain good quality
    • Requires ffmpeg

Other Scripts

  • 2iso.sh
    • Converts a single file or folder into a .iso file
    • Requires mkisofs
  • hashmd.sh
    • Calculates the checksum/hashes of all the files in a folder and generates a Markdown-style table of the results.
    • Requires libarchive-zip-perl
    • See an example of the tables generated here
  • randstr.sh
    • Gets 128 btyes of random data from /dev/urandom and returns visible ASCII characters only
    • Passing -a makes only alpha-numeric characters be returned
  • sha256-check.sh
    • --check if the calculated SHA256 sum of file equals the provided SHA256 sum string
    • Saves you from making a formatted file with the sum and filename then running sha256sum --check ...
    • Usage: ./sha256-check.sh <file> <SHA-256-str>
  • shredu.sh
    • Overwrites the specified file(s) with random data, then with all zeros, and then removes the file(s)
    • Has option to recursively shred all files in directory: -r
    • Uses the shred command
  • upgrade.sh
    • Fetch and update packages; then remove old packages
    • Uses apt-get package manager