
A mirror of the CUTEst SVN repository

Primary LanguageFortranOtherNOASSERTION

CUTEst is the latest evolution of CUTE, the constrained and
unconstrained testing environment for numerical optimization.

To get CUTEst working, here is what you need to do:

0. If are reading this, you have probably got this far, but in any case ...

   To use CUTEst, you will need to install three packages, ARCHDefs, SIFDecode
   and CUTEst, as well as yor desired subset of the CUTEst test problems in
   SIF format.

   To download ARCHDefs, issue the command

      svn checkout --username anonymous \
        http://ccpforge.cse.rl.ac.uk/svn/cutest/archdefs/trunk ./archdefs

    in a directory you can write to; use a blank password if prompted.

   To download SIFDecode, issue the command

      svn checkout --username anonymous \
        http://ccpforge.cse.rl.ac.uk/svn/cutest/sifdecode/trunk ./sifdecode

    in the same directory.

    To download CUTEst,

        svn checkout --username anonymous \
          http://ccpforge.cse.rl.ac.uk/svn/cutest/cutest/trunk ./cutest

    in the same directory.

    This will produce three sub-directories


    To obtain problems from the CUTEr/st and related test sets, see




1.  Now set the three environment variables $ARCHDEFS, $SIFDECODE and $CUTEST
    to point at the directories ./archdefs, ./sifdecode and ./cutest
    respectively. For example, if archdefs lies in the directory /home/rsimpson
    and you use the C (csh) or TC (tcsh) shell, issue the command

      setenv ARCHDEFS /home/rsimpson/archdefs  (etc)

    while if you have the Bourne (sh) or Bash (bash) shell, use

      export ARCHDEFS="/home/rsimpson/archdefs"  (etc).

    To make these permanent, place them in your ~/.cshrc or ~/.bashrc
    shell startup file.

2.  Now, move to the ./cutest directory, enter the command


    and follow the instructions. You may install as many machine/os/compiler
    combinations (architectures) as you wish, and you will have access to each
    independently of the others.

    After each installation, read the instructions provided to set
    further envioronment variables as required.

       ARCHDEFS      <- full path to./archdefs
       SIFDECODE     <- full path to ./sifdecode
       CUTEST        <- full path to ./cutest
       MYARCH        <- the "architecture" you wish to use by default
       MASTSIF       <- the directory containing your SIF test examples

    and optionally (for Matlab use)

       MYMATLAB      <- your system Matlab installation directory
       MYMATLABARCH  <- the "architecture" you wish to use with Matlab (if any)

    as indicated by the installation scripts, to ensure that

       $SIFDECODE/bin and $CUTEST/bin

    are on your search path ($PATH$) and that

       $SIFDECODE/man and $CUTEST/man

    are on your man path ($MANPATH$). See README.csh (for C-shell users)
    and README.sh (for Bourne, bash and korn shell users).

3.  To test that the installation works, issue the commands

      cd $SIFDECODE/src ; make -f $SIFDECODE/makefiles/$MYARCH test
      cd $CUTEST/src ; make -f $CUTEST/makefiles/$MYARCH test

4.  Both SIFDecode and CUTEst will be updated whenever we fix a bug or
    add a new interface. From time to time you may wish to check this by
    issuing the commands

      cd $SIFDECODE ; update_sifdecode [arch]
      cd $CUTEST ; update_cutest [arch]

    This will fetch all the updates and recompile both packages for the
    specified architecture, if any, or for $MYARCH if it has been defined.

    To update on a non-default installed version, set 'arch' in the
    above two lines to a string of the form


    that corresponds to your desired architecture - a list of all
    installed architectures can be found by issuing the command

       ls -1 $SIFDECODE/versions

    for SIFdecode and

       ls -1 $CUTEST/versions

    for CUTEst.

5.  You may change compiler flags and the like by editing the files


    (and the same for $SIFDECODE), and then issuing the commands

       cd $SIFDECODE/src ; make -f $SIFDECODE/makefiles/$MYARCH cleanall
       make -f $SIFDECODE/makefiles/$MYARCH
       cd $CUTEST/ src ; make -f $CUTEST/makefiles/$MYARCH cleanall
       make -f $CUTEST/makefiles/$MYARCH

    For non-defaults installations, substiture "machine.os.compiler"
    for $MYARCH.

6.  CUTEst contains interfaces to, ** BUT NOT THE SOURCE CODE FOR ** ,
    a number of popular linear and nonlinear optimization packages.
    To see which, enter the command

      ls -1 $CUTEST/package

    The package "pack" has relevant information recorded in two places

    1. the directory $CUTEST/src/"pack"
    2. the file $CUTEST/package/"pack"

    The first contains

      * the fortran or C interface between CUTEst and the package
      * a dummy call to the package that serves as a test example
      * a list of options in a file marked "PACK".SPC, where PACK
        is the capitalized package name,
      * a README."pack" that gives details of how to obtain the external
        package, how and where to install it, and what the options in
        "PACK".SPC actually mean, and
      * a makefile component (makemaster).

    The second lists five variables that must be set to use the
    external package. The user should check that these make sense,
    and if necessary edit them to be consistent with the installed version
    of the package as described in the aforementioned README."pack".

7.  Once the package has been installed, it should simply be a matter
    of issuing the command

       runcutest -p "pack" -D problem

    where problem.SIF is any example from the current directory (by
    default) or $MASTSIF (if the problem is not in the current directory).
    The runcutest command has a number of options, see

       man runcutest

8.  If you wish to use CUTEst with Matlab, you will need to use a
    mex interface between CUTEst, Matlab and the SIF problem file you
    wish to evaluate. To create this link, issue the command

       cutest2matlab problem

    for your desired problem.SIF file. This will create a a  binary file
    mcutest.mexglx (32bit Linux), mcutest.mexa64 (64bit Linux) mcutest.mex-
    maci (32bit OSX) or mcutest.mexmaci64 (64bit OSX).

    Once you have started Matlab, you must add the mcutest.mex* binary
    and the contents of the directory $CUTEST/src/matlab to your Matlab
    search path. Then consult

       help cutest

    to find the range of CUTEst Matlab tools available.

9.  If you wish to add an interace to your own package, "mypack",
     you will need to create a directory


    along with files


    and optionally


    The simplest way to do this is to pick an existing package that
    has rouighly the same functionality, to copy its data to the
    above destinations, and to modify it for your needs.

    To help you, have a look at

       man cutest

    and the man pages that are referred to to see which evaluation tools
    are available. You can conult the examples in the directory


    to see how each CUTEST tool is called, and those in




    as examples of fortran 77, 90 and C calls and linking instructions

    If you have further questions, please contact us. And if you would
    like us to include your interface in the distribution for others to
    use, we would be delighted to help you.

10. Aside from the man pages, PDF documentation for each tool and the
    runcutest, cutest2matlab and sifdecoder scripts is avalable in
    the directories $SIFDECODE/doc/pdf/ and $CUTEST/doc/pdf.

11. Refer to the CUTEst Wiki


    for updates/bug fixes/news.

Best of luck

Nick Gould
Dominique Orban
Philippe Toint

For GALAHAD productions
30 January 2013
This version: 12 June 2013