Docker image repository for Princeton Optimization classes

  • ORF307: Optimization (undergraduate)
  • ORF522: Linear and Nonlinear Optimization (graduate)


Install docker

  • Install docker Desktop from here

Pull image from dockerhub

To pull the image from dockerhub run

docker pull bstellato/optimization-docker:main

Run Docker image

To run this image simply execute the following commands

Mac and Linux

  • From the Mac or Linux terminal run:
    docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v $HOME:/home/jovyan/work bstellato/optimization-docker:main


  • From the Windows command prompt run
    docker run -v %USERPROFILE%:/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 bstellato/optimization-docker:main

Open browser

Open the link and you will have the Jupyterlab session running. Remember to shut it down File -> Shut Down when you are done.

I am getting an error running the image!

If you are getting an error running the image (e.g., "port is already allocation") you should kill the existing docker containers. You can do it by running docker ps.

You will see the docker containers as follows

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                    NAMES
db8b31714ae7   optimization-docker   "tini -g --…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes (healthy)>8888/tcp   pedantic_haslett

Take the name of the container you would like to close and run, in this case, docker kill pedantic_haslett.

To build the image (not necessary for the class)

To build the image run

docker build --rm --tag bstellato/optimization-docker .