
AEM as a Cloud Service code refactoring plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Follow the sections below to AEM as a Cloud Service Code Refactoring plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI.


With the increase in number of code refactoring tools (with different set of installation, setup requirements and Input/Output formats), the complexity of using these tools has also elevated.

aio-cli-plugin-aem-cloud-service-migration plugin unifies the code refactoring tools which refactor customers code, repository structure, and configurations on user's local machine.

The JavaScript Packages

  • The Adobe I/O CLI AEM Cloud Service Migration Plugin is the main AEM as a Cloud Service source migration Adobe I/O CLI plugin.

  • The AEM Cloud Service Source Migration Packages is the base library providing the underlying code refactoring tools.

    Following tool packages are currently available:

    • Dispatcher Converter tool : @adobe/aem-cs-source-migration-dispatcher-converter
    • Repository Modernizer tool : @adobe/aem-cs-source-migration-repository-modernizer
    • Index Converter tool : @adobe/aem-cs-source-migration-index-converter


Setting up necessary Adobe I/O Dependencies

  • Install the Adobe I/O CLI (if you haven't already) $ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli

  • Install AEM cloud service migration plugin with aio $ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-aem-cloud-service-migration

  • When you run $ aio aem-migration --help, you should be able to see aem-cloud-service-migration as an available plugin with its sub-commands.


$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-aem-cloud-service-migration


Once the necessary dependencies are installed:

  • Add the necessary configurations for executing a particular tool. Refer to config for more details.
  • Execute the required tool via the aio command (NOTE : Executing any tool would require an administartor session).
  • Check the target folder for refactored code or configurations, summary report and tool execution logs.


Follow the sections below to learn about commands and their execution.

aio aem-migration:all

This command executes all the source refactoring tools.


Refer to config for more details.

  $ aio aem-migration:all

  -t, --type=ams|on-premise  [default: on-premise] the type of AEM provisioning (ams or on-prem)
  --help                     show help

  Available migration tools :
  * dispatcher-converter
  * repository-modernizer
  * index-converter

  $ aio aem-migration:all
  $ aio aem-migration:all -t=ams
  $ aio aem-migration:all -t=on-premise

Refer to Code :src/commands/aem-migration/all.js

aio aem-migration:dispatcher-converter

This command converts an existing dispatcher configurations into AEM as a Cloud Service compatible dispatcher configurations.


Refer to config for more information.

  $ aio aem-migration:dispatcher-converter

  -t, --type=ams|on-premise  [default: on-premise] the type of AEM provisioning (ams or on-prem)
  --help                     show help

  Configuring existing on-Premise or Adobe Managed Services (AMS) Dispatcher configurations to AEM as a Cloud
  Service compatible Dispatcher configuration.

  AEM as a Cloud Service has defined rules which are to be followed while configuring Dispatcher for AEM instances.
  Dispatcher Converter reads on-Premise or Adobe Managed Services (AMS) Dispatcher configurations and changes them
  to AEM as a Cloud Service compatible dispatcher configurations.

  $ aio aem-migration:dispatcher-converter
  $ aio aem-migration:dispatcher-converter -t=ams
  $ aio aem-migration:dispatcher-converter -t=on-premise

Refer to Code: src/commands/aem-migration/dispatcher-converter.js.

Command: aio aem-migration:repository-modernizer

This command restructures an existing projects packages into AEM as a Cloud Service compatible packages.

Please see here to know more about how the tool works, known limitations and what needs to be handled manually.


Refer to config for more info.

  $ aio aem-migration:repository-modernizer

  --help                     show help

  AEM requires a separation of content and code, which means a single content package cannot deploy to both /apps
  and runtime-writable areas (for example, /content , /conf , /home , or anything not /apps ) of the repository.
  Instead, the application must separate code and content into discrete packages for deployment into AEM.

  Repository Modernizer automates the separation of such packages into :
  * ui.apps package, or Code Package
  * ui.config package, or OSGi Configurations Package
  * ui.content package, or Content Package
  * all (container) package that includes the above packages as embeds.

  $ aio aem-migration:repository-modernizer

Refer to Code: src/commands/aem-migration/repository-modernizer.js.

Command: aio aem-migration:index-converter

This command migrates existing Custom Oak Index Defintions into AEM as a Cloud Service compatible Custom Oak Index Defintions.

Please see here to know more about how the tool works, known limitations and what needs to be handled manually.


Refer to config for more info.

  $ aio aem-migration:index-converter

  --help                     show help

  Configuring existing Custom Oak Index Definitions to AEMaaCS compatible Custom Oak Index Defintions.
  Custom Oak Index Definitions can be categorized as :
  * Custom OOTB (Product) Oak Index Definitions : Modification into existing OOTB Oak Index Definitions
  * Newly created Oak Index Definitions

  Operation for custom OOTB (Product) Oak Index Definition :
  * This tool will parse the Custom OOTB (Product) Oak Index Definition and fetch the associated OOTB Index Definition.
  * It will compare the Custom OOTB Oak Index Definition to the associated OOTB Index Definition and retrieve the
    difference between Custom OOTB Index Definition. and associated OOTB Index Definition. That difference or delta is
    basically customization done by the user in OOTB Oak Index Definition.
  * It will validate the retrieved customization as per AEM as Cloud Service compatible OAK Index Definitions guidelines.
  * It will merge validated customization of Custom OOTB Oak Index Definition to corresponding OAK Index Definition
    present on AEM as a Cloud Service.
  Naming convention for Custom OOTB (Product) Oak Index Definition :
       "Name of the corresponding OAK Index Definition on AEMaaCS"-"latest version of this index on AEMaaCS "-"custom"-1

  Operation for newly created custom Oak Index Definition :
  * It will parse and validate the Custom Oak Index Definition according to AEM as a Cloud Service OAK Index Definitions guidelines.
  * It will rename the Custom Oak Index Definition.
  Naming convention for newly created Custom Oak Index Definition :
       "Name of the Custom Oak Index Defintion"-"custom"-1

  $ aio aem-migration:index-converter

Refer to Code: src/commands/aem-migration/index-converter.js

Adding New Commands

Follow the steps below to add a new command:

  1. Create a new javascript file, named after the command, in src/commands/aem-migration.

  2. Use the contents of src/commands/aem-migration/dispatcher-converter.js as a starting point for your command, paying particular attention to the command's flags, args, and description. Refer to https://oclif.io for additional information and features.

  3. Ensure that the file's exports include an object with a property matching the command name.

Publishing to npm

This repository has been configured to automatically publish the plugin to npm registry. It requires a commit to be made to the master branch with the required semver bump made to the package version in the package.json. This commit will automatically trigger the Github Action which will publish the package to npm registry.


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. Refer to LICENSE for more information.


Please follow the Issue template to report issues or to request enhancements.