
HashiCorp Vault & Google Apigee integration. The Vault Apigee secrets engine generates ephemeral credentials, automating frequent rotation.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vault Plugin: Apigee Secrets Engine

Go Reference Go Report Card GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases)

Vault, a leader in secrets management, secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing.

Apigee, a leader in API management, helps companies design, secure, and scale application programming interfaces.

Apigee apps contain a consumer key and consumer secret (credentials), which are typically used to obtain an OAuth2 access token for API access. These credentials have an expiry, by default never. For zero trust security use cases, instead of apps using static, long-lived credentials, the Vault Apigee secrets engine generates dynamic, short-lived credentials, aka ephemeral credentials, automating frequent rotation.

Table of Contents

  1. Use Case
  2. Examples
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Build/Test or Get Binary
  5. Register Plugin
  6. Enable Secrets Engine
  7. Write Config
  8. Write Role
  9. Usage: CLI and API
  10. References

1. Use Case

HashiCorp Vault custom secrets engine for Apigee

2. Examples

Linux, Vault API, and Apigee X

Apigee X

Windows, Vault CLI, and Apigee Edge for Private Cloud

Apigee Edge

3. Prerequisites

4. Build/Test or Get Binary

git clone https://github.com/bstraehle/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee.git
cd vault-plugin-secrets-apigee

go build -o vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee cmd/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee/main.go
go test -v


cd vault/plugins
wget https://github.com/bstraehle/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee/releases/download/v1.1.4/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee-linux-amd64
mv vault-plugin-secrets-apigee-linux-amd64 vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
chmod 700 vault-plugin-secrets-apigee

5. Register Plugin

Add plugin directory to server configuration

cat > vault/server.hcl << EOF
plugin_directory = "$(pwd)/vault/plugins"
api_addr         = ""

listener "tcp" {
  address     = ""
  tls_disable = "true"

storage "file" {
  path = "/tmp/vault-data"

Start server

vault server -config=vault/server.hcl -log-level=trace

In new terminal, initialize and unseal Vault

export VAULT_ADDR=''

vault operator init
vault operator unseal

Register plugin

vault login

SHA256=$(sha256sum vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee | cut -d ' ' -f1)

vault plugin register -sha256=$SHA256 secret vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
Success! Registered plugin: vault-plugin-secrets-apigee

6. Enable Secrets Engine

Enable secrets engine

vault secrets enable -path=apigee -description="apigee secrets engine" vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
Success! Enabled the vault-plugin-secrets-apigee secrets engine at: apigee/

Disable secrets engine (optional)

vault secrets disable apigee
Success! Disabled the secrets engine (if it existed) at: apigee/

7. Write Config

Configure config: Apigee X (optional)

gcloud auth login
export APIGEE_OAUTH_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

Note: Instead of using Google Cloud CLI use Google Cloud Secrets Engine.

Configure config: Apigee Edge (optional)


Write config: Apigee X

vault write apigee/config oauth_token=$APIGEE_OAUTH_TOKEN
Success! Data written to: apigee/config

Write config: Apigee Edge

vault write apigee/config host=$APIGEE_HOST username=$APIGEE_USERNAME password=$APIGEE_PASSWORD
Success! Data written to: apigee/config

Read config (optional)

vault read apigee/config
Key     Value
---     -----
host    <APIGEE_HOST>

Delete config (optional)

vault delete apigee/config
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: apigee/config

8. Write Role

Configure role (optional)


Write role

vault write apigee/roles/test \
org_name=$APIGEE_ORG_NAME \
developer_email=$APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL \
app_name=$APIGEE_APP_NAME \
api_products=$APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS \
Success! Data written to: apigee/roles/test

Read role (optional)

  vault read apigee/roles/test
Key                Value
---                -----
api_products       <APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS>
app_name           <APIGEE_APP_NAME>
developer_email    <APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL>
org_name           <APIGEE_ORG_NAME>
ttl                24h

Delete role (optional)

vault delete apigee/roles/test
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: apigee/roles/test

9. Usage: CLI and API

Read creds

vault read apigee/creds/test
Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           <LEASE_ID>
lease_duration     24h
lease_renewable    false
api_products       <APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS>
app_name           <APIGEE_APP_NAME>
credentials        RkRJTUdqbXJ1dDRmY2hTdUdKaEZETVZhNDAwN2MwM3NXQThEVEpobnJ3NTk3MmkzOkp2x...
developer_email    <APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL>
key                FDIMGjmrut4fchSuGJhFDMVa4007c03sWA8DTJhnrw5972i3
org_name           <APIGEE_ORG_NAME>
secret             JvmsfZaajNoqT6Ei7XAYmSTsTA8APSWdu9JxYKtZmEonZ862jKg3ROluxr6Bb710

Note: Credentials are NOT stored in Vault and cannot be retrieved again.

Revoke lease (optional)

vault lease revoke <LEASE_ID>
All revocation operations queued successfully!

Read creds

curl --header "X-Vault-Token: <VAULT_TOKEN>" | jq
	"request_id": "<REQUEST_ID>",
	"lease_id": "<LEASE_ID>",
	"renewable": false,
	"lease_duration": 86400,
	"data": {
		"api_products": "<APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS>",
		"app_name": "<APIGEE_APP_NAME>",
		"credentials": "RkRJTUdqbXJ1dDRmY2hTdUdKaEZETVZhNDAwN2MwM3NXQThEVEpobnJ3NTk3MmkzOkp2x...",
		"developer_email": "<APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL>",
		"key": "FDIMGjmrut4fchSuGJhFDMVa4007c03sWA8DTJhnrw5972i3",
		"org_name": "<APIGEE_ORG_NAME>",
		"secret": "JvmsfZaajNoqT6Ei7XAYmSTsTA8APSWdu9JxYKtZmEonZ862jKg3ROluxr6Bb710"
	"wrap_info": null,
	"warnings": null,
	"auth": null

Note: Credentials are NOT stored in Vault and cannot be retrieved again.

Revoke lease (optional)

curl --header "X-Vault-Token: <VAULT_TOKEN>" --request POST --data @payload.json \
  "lease_id": "<LEASE_ID>"

10. References