
The simple Lack CMS as a CodeIgniter spark

Primary LanguagePHP

What is Lack°

Lack° is a very simple, file based, CMS. It runs on the CodeIgniter framework.

For now only markdown formatting is supported, but you can also use pure html in your data files.

Using as a Spark

There are 3 things you need to do to make the spark work:

  1. Change the routes config for both the default controller and the 404 override to point to the same controller, ie. welcome.
  2. Run the spark in your index method of the default controller: $this->lack->run()
  3. Create the same data folder structure as found in the example app https://github.com/bstrahija/Lack

Single entry usage

All the data files are inside the /data directory. The name of the file (without the extension) coresponds to the URI segment.

Example URI for the file /data/about.md


Entry list usage

If you want a list of entries (something like a blog), just create a subfolder in the /data directory.

A blog would then look something like this:


And the URL's:


A list of those entries is created automaticaly in the following URL:


You can add meta data to your entries by simply adding some JSON data in your data files. The simples example is adding a title that is displayed in the list:

{ "title": "One" }


Lorem ipsum dolor...


All the site assets (CSS, JavaScript, Images, etc.) are located in the directory /data/assets.


The templates are located in the directory /data/assets/templates.

The default template used to display the data files is layout.php. And the template used to display a list of entries is layout_list.php.

There's also a possibility to use partials. The template directory has 2 subfolders core and partials. You can place your partials in any of them, but best practice is to put the header, footer, aside and navigation partials in the core folder.

Then you can simply include the partials in the templates. An example would be something like this:






Simple, right?

The template for the entry list would then look like this:



			<h2><a href="{permalink}">{title}</a></h2>



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