
[Study project] CryptoGram is an encrypted messaging system that mimics the SSL protocol to create a fully secure communication channel between two machines. (TODO: clean code)

Primary LanguageJava


CryptoGram is an encrypted messaging system that mimics the SSL protocol to create a fully secure communication channel between two machines (following a client/server architecture).

Implementation :

  • The client connects to the server,
  • The server accepts the connection, generates a RSA key pair and transmits the public key to the client,
  • The client retrieves the public key sent by the server. Then it creates a DES key and transmits it to the server after encrypting it with the public key,
  • The server receives the encrypted DES key and decrypts it with its private key,
  • Each party now has the DES key that will be used to encrypt messages during communication.

The application was developed in Java.

Use :

From your device, by placing yourself at the root of the /CryptoGram project, start the server by executing the following commands:

cd src
java app.Server

Proceed in the same way to launch the client from a new terminal window:

cd src
java app.Client

You can now speak freely!


SUREAU Benjamin & NICOT Bryan