
asyncio transactional server to build REST API / Websocket

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


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Please read the detailed docs

This is the working project of the next generation Guillotina server based on asyncio.


  • python >= 3.6
  • postgresql >= 9.6

Getting started with development

We use buildout of course:

virtualenv .
./bin/pip install zc.buildout

The buildout installs the app itself, code analysis tools, and a test runner.

Run postgresql

If you don't have a postgresql server to play with, you can run one easily with docker.

In the terminal:

make run-postgres

Run the server

To run the server:



curl http://localhost:8080

Or, better yet, use postman to start playing with API.

Run tests

We're using py.test:

./bin/py.test src

and for test coverage:

./bin/py.test --cov=guillotina guillotina/

With file watcher...

./bin/ptw guillotina --runner=./bin/py.test

To run tests with cockroach db:

USE_COCKROACH=true ./bin/pytest guillotina


Default root access can be done with AUTHORIZATION header : Basic root:root


You can also run Guillotina with Docker!

First, run postgresql:

docker run --rm
-e POSTGRES_DB=guillotina -e POSTGRES_USER=guillotina -p --name postgres postgres:9.6

Then, run guillotina:

docker run --rm -it
--link=postgres -p -v $(echo $PWD):/g guillotina/guillotina --name g g -c /g/config.yaml

This assumes you have a config.yaml in your current working directory

Roadmap for 2.0

  • be able to configure renderer from function view configuration
  • match on more predicates
  • get rid of renderer, in favor of predicates for diff output
  • view functions can take 2, 1 or zero args
  • handle routes in definitions...