
A fun hack that gets Slackbot to force your teammates to work out!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A fun hack that gets Slackbot to force your teammates to work out! This is a fork from the original to add Heroku support, plus dial down the numbers (we're not as fit yet).

Running on Heroku


  1. Get a test token from https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens, put that in SLACK_USER_TOKEN_STRING
  2. Set SLACK_TEAM_DOMAIN to your slack subdomain - i.e. this https://{SLACK_TEAM_DOMAIN}.slack.com/home
  3. Go to https://www.slack.com/apps/A0F81R8ET-slackbot, add a new configuration and set SLACK_URL_TOKEN_STRING to the token from the URL.
  4. Pick a slack channel SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME and find or set the ID SLACK_CHANNEL_ID (you can fetch using $ python fetchChannelId.py channelname if you have your this installed locally...)

Running outside Heroku (aka, the hard way)

  1. Clone the repo and navigate into the directory in your terminal.

    $ git clone git@github.com:brandonshin/slackbot-workout.git

  2. Go to your slack home page https://{yourgroup}.slack.com/home & click on Integrations on the left sidebar.

  3. Scroll All the Way Down until you see Slack API and Slackbot. You'll need to access these two integrations.

  4. In the Slack API Page, select WebAPI in the left side bar, scroll all the way down, and register yourself an auth token. You should see this. Take note of the token, e.g. xoxp-2751727432-4028172038-5281317294-3c46b1. This is your User Auth Token

  5. In the Slackbot (Remote control page). Register an integration & you should see this. Make sure you grab just the token out of the url, e.g. AizJbQ24l38ai4DlQD9yFELb

  6. Save your SLACK_USER_TOKEN_STRING and SLACK_URL_TOKEN_STRING as environmental variables in your terminal.



    If you need help with this, try adapting the first 5 steps of the guide to edit your .bash_profile

  7. Set up slack domain, channel name and id

    If you don't know the channel Id, fetch it using

    $ python fetchChannelId.py channelname

    Then export using:


  8. If you haven't set up pip for python, go in your terminal and run. $ sudo easy_install pip

  9. While in the project directory, run

    $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

    $ python slackbotExercise.py

Run the script to start the workouts and hit ctrl+c to stop the script. Hope you have fun with it!