
Example project using GitHub Maven Plugins

Primary LanguageJava

This is an example project that uses the GitHub Maven Plugins.

See the POM file for how the downloads plugin and site plugin are configured.

Getting started

  • Fork this project
  • Update the pom.xml file <url> element to be the address of your fork
  • Optionally update <scm> and <developers> section as well to have the information for your fork
  • Add the following to your Maven settings.xml file (update with your GitHub login name and password):


Using the downloads plugin

$ cd github-maven-example/example
$ mvn clean install

The compiled, source, and Javadoc JAR files will be uploaded as downloads here.

Using the site plugin

$ cd github-maven-example/example
$ mvn site

The generated site will be committed to the gh-pages branch and visible here.