
Automate web app flow, can be used for automated testing, playing a sequence of steps

Primary LanguagePython


Python script to automate web app flow, can be used for automated testing, playing a sequence of steps in chrome. It can also download content.


Take a look at setup/setup.txt


While testing web apps or buying some stuff over internet in a limited time or consider any web activity, a user interacts in a similar fashion. He clicks, refreshes, types some input, hits submit. So why not write these steps in plain english and let the automater execute the steps.


Well there is some syntax required for the automator to understand the command, but's its simple. Let's consider a simple task to type hello world in google search, hit enter and click on images in the results.

open google search https://www.google.com/
set search string "hello world" with xpath //INPUT[@class='gLFyf gsfi']
click search with xpath (//INPUT[@value='Google Search'])[2]
click images with xpath //A[@class='q qs'][text()='Images']


Commands and syntax:

  • open
    • syntax --> open message url
    • message can be any string
    • messages make instructions meaningful
  • set
    • used while entering some input like username, password or search string
    • syntax --> set message keyword_to_be_set with xpath xpath_value
    • xpath can be replaced by class or id
    • xpath_valuecan be replaced by class_value or id_value
  • click
    • syntax --> click message with xpath xpath_value
  • sleep
    • syntax --> sleep sleep_duration_in_secs
    • this adds a sleep for the specified duration
    • Eg. sleep 10
  • run
    • syntax --> run mode
    • the supported modes are headless (withput ui) and the browser
    • Eg. run headless
  • refresh
    • syntax --> refresh
    • refreshes page


  • APP_HOME = "/home/rishav/work/pycharmProjects/app_automation" {project home directory}
  • SCRIPTS_DIR = path.join(APP_HOME, "automater_scripts") {directory to store intruction sequences}
  • DOWNLOAD_DIR = "downloads" {directory to store downloaded content}
  • LOGS_DIR = "logs" {directory name to save logs}
  • DRIVER = 'chromedriver' {tested driver}


This plugin helps in knowing the relative xpaths of elements --> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/relative-xpath-helper/eanaofphbanknlngejejepmfomkjaiic