- 4
Theme running on Ubuntu
#20 opened by lynxmedeiros - 1
About dash and login
#19 opened by elowoff - 1
- 3
Add a lightdm theme.
#12 opened by anasik - 0
Language bar icon
#17 opened by anasik - 13
Change the blue folder icons to orange
#15 opened by anasik - 5
Lose the pink in the window buttons
#14 opened by anasik - 2
- 2
is it work on ubuntu gnome 14.04.5 desktop
#16 opened by csrgxtu - 1
Remove completely
#4 opened by mprandot - 9
make the launcher icon square
#1 opened by rocketinventor - 1
broken layout
#3 opened by juniorthiesen