Statistical Learning

Forecasting Daily Electricity

Daily electricity demand for Victoria, Australia, during 2014 is contained in elecdaily. The Rmd covers the plot, regression model for Demand with temperature as an explanatory variable. Residual plot and checking whether are outliers or influential observations. Plot Demand vs Temperature for all of the available data in elecdaily. Giving prediction intervals for your forecasts.

Forecasting the water level of Lake Huron

Data set huron gives the water level of Lake Huron in feet from 1875 to 1972. Plotting the data and comment on its features. Moreover, fitting a linear regression and compare this to a piecewise linear trend model with a knot at 1915. Finally, generating forecasts from these two models for the period up to 1980 and comment on these.

Fit regression for Divorce Data

Using the divorce data (divusa), fit a regression model with divorce as the response and unemployed, femlab, marriage, birth and military as predictors. Compute the VIFs and checking the removal of insignificant predictors from the model reduce the collinearity? Finally, analyzing the residuals: Check for normality assumption, constant variance assumption, and serial correlation.