
This is a repository for scripts to make the viral identification and annotation pipeline described here more efficient.

DRAM-v is an amazing piece of software, but it's SLOW. It seems to process viral contigs one at a time, which is fine if you only have a few, but unwieldy if you have many, as each one tends to take several minutes to complete. While you can specify the number of threads assigned to DRAM-v, it doesn't really do much to speed things up.

This simple script just splits the fasta file into numerous subsamples and then runs the jobs in parallel. It then combines the output of each subprocess (annotations.tsv) into a single dataframe and outputs that so you can continue the pipeline.

It requires python3, pandas and shutil

You can run it as follows:

python \
--in_fasta_file test10.fa \
--in_tab_file \
--outfile test.tsv \
--job_number 10

This will launch up to 10 jobs in parallel (each assigned 16 threads by default but can be set with the --threads_per_process parameter, so scale accordingly and use htop to monitor your CPU usage. If there are more than 10 jobs, these will be run as room becomes available on the queue.

DRAM-v really doesn't use very much multiprocessing so the sum can probably exceed the total number of cores). The output of each subprocess will be combined into test.tsv.

As a test, running 10 putative viral sequences as a single process took ~16 min and had a peak memory usage of ~17 Gb of RAM on a 64 core ubuntu machine with 128Gb of RAM. Running all 10 contigs in parallel took 2min 35s with a similar memory peak requirement.

This script is rough and ready (basically because I needed it to work ASAP for some data I'm analysing), so feel free to adapt and use pull requests to improve it!