
Rails 3 compatible generators for RSpec and DataMapper (from JoseValim)

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails 3 compatible generators for DataMapper, Haml, Factory-girl, Authlogic, Mongomapper, and Mongoid


This is a fork from the indirect rails3-generators at github.com/indirect/rails3-generators Unlike these generators, this repository will not be as general or compatible as the source, but will speed up scaffolding a lot when some conventions are used. The main changes are:

  • many strings from the scaffold command with haml now link to helper methods, in stead of being just stings

  • The title is now done using the title helper method as used by Ryan Bates

Getting ready

To fully use the features of these generators you should have the following:

  • A yield :title somewhere in your layout

  • a shared/_error_messages partial (A default is provided)

  • Add the default translations given in this README to your config/locales/en.yml file

  • Add the generated translations after each scaffold

Also soon I will add the used helpers to rails which can be overwritten in you own helpers. These are

  • title

  • new_text

  • edit_text

  • show_text

  • destroy_text

  • index_text

  • update_button_text

  • create_button_text

  • boolean_text

Now you can replace all your scaffolding links with images if you wish without a blink. Assumptions for this repo:

  • Your tables/columns are in English

  • You will use internationalisation (Easy to get rid of, but built-in by default)

Standard translation

The following translation strings are used. Change it using your own helper, or in the translation file:

Errors title:
  one: one error prohibited this record from being saved
  other: "{{count}} errors prohibited this record from being saved"
boolean true: "yes"
boolean false: "no"
New: New
Edit: Edit
Show: Show
Back: Back
Delete: Delete
Create: Create
Save: Save
Are you sure: Are you sure?


In the standard behaviour a namespace kind of thing can be achieved by using a scaffold statement like:

rails g scaffold admin/modelname attribute:attribute_type

This however does not in a required result. In my opinion controllers and views should support namespaces, but models not. An ugly temporary fix is the support for a namespace option. This can be used for example:

rails g scaffold Page name:string parent_id:integer --namespace=admin

In this case the views will support links for namespaces. An action list for myself for this case:

  • move app/views/pages => app/views/admin/pages

  • move app/controllers/pages_controller.rb to app/controllers/admin/

  • Open the controller file (app/controllers/admin/pages_controller.rb)

    • Add Admin

      before the class definitions on the first line

    • make the redirect to [:admin, @page] in the create/update actions

    • make the redirect to admin_pages_url in the destroy action

  • Ensure the proper routes

    namespace :admin do
      resources :pages
  • And don’t forget to migrate :)

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

Fork the repo, add a generator, send a pull request. Pretty simple.


DataMapper generators: Jose Valim

Haml: Paul Barry, Anuj Dutta, Louis T

Factory Girl: Paul Barry

Authlogic: Jeff Tucker

MongoMapper: Jai-Gouk Kim

Machinist: Darcy Laycock

Mongoid: Guillaume Belleguic