
Primary LanguageJavaScript


ExpressChain is a simple NodeJS blockchain implementation that supports P2P node interaction via websockets. Also included is an HTTP serverfor interacting with the chain.

What can I do?
  • Create a blockchain, generate new blocks and add them to the chain
  • Run a local node that will listen for and broadcast new blocks
  • create new blocks via HTTP interaction - via ExpressJS
What can a node do?
  • Generate new blocks
  • Request the latest blocks(or the entire chain) from other nodes
  • Validate newly received blocks
Proof of Work

To prevent spamming the chain we need POW which adds an energy/time consuming element to block creation

  • Prior to adding a block to the chain, the node must generate a hash where the last x digits are '0's'
  • x = 3 is recommended
function proofOfWork(block){
			block.hash = generateHashh(block);
			if(block.hash.slice(-5) === "00000"){
				return block;

Getting Started


To run ExpressChain

npm install
npm run

Check the terminal for the assigned port

To create a new block


To add a new node - mainly for testing purposes
