
💬 Simple plugin to add 3Box commenting to your react app

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3Box Comments Plugin 💬

3box-comments-react node package is a drop-in react component that provides Web3 developers with a readymade commenting system for their Ethereum application. Easily add rich, decentralized social discourse to your dApp with one line of code. The 3Box Comments plugin is built using 3Box infrastructure, and handles all logic for creating a comments thread. Read the docs on docs.3box.io.

New Social Features:

Replies - reply to comments inline (limited to two levels of replies), deleted comments with nested replies maintain the nested replies
Emoji reactions - react to each comment with emojis from an inline picker
Votes - Upvote or downvote on any comment
Note: This is a breaking change - this will break any previously used comments, to create a new one, simply update the threadName in the same space

Try the demo here

Example Screenshot

How it Works


The Comments plugin is built using a standard implementation of Open Threads which are defined in the 3Box Threads API and made available via the 3Box.js SDK. The Comments plugin also includes UI for inputting and displaying user comments, logic for fetching user profiles, and pagination. The component is configurable to various authentication patterns, and can handle both Web3/3Box logged-in & logged-out states.


Without authenticating, users can read messages in the comment thread. However authentication is required to perform more interactive functionality. After the user is authenticated, a user can post a comment, delete their comment, and receive comments from other users in real-time. Note: if you are not logged in and the component has not been passed your ethereum address, the component cannot know which comment belongs to you in order to delete. In this case, click the login button just below the input UI.

Getting Started

  1. Install the component
  2. Choose your authentication pattern
  3. Configure application settings
  4. Usage

1. Install the component

npm i -S 3box-comments-react

2. Choose your authentication pattern

Depending on when and how your dApp handles authentication for web3 and 3Box, you will need to provide a different set of props to the component. Regardless of the context, the component must be passed either an ethereum provider or the user's box object before it mounts. Three acceptable authentication patterns and their respective props are discussed below in A-C:

A) Dapp handles web3 and 3Box logins, and they run before component is mounted. (recommended)

Dapp integrates with 3Box.js SDK and the 3box-comments-react component. In this case, the box instance returned from Box.openBox(ethAddr) via 3Box.js should be passed to the box prop in the comments component. The user's current Ethereum address should be passed to the currentUserAddr prop to determine deletePost access on each comment.

B) Dapp handles web3 and 3Box logins, but they haven't run before component is mounted. (recommended)

Dapp integrates with 3Box.js SDK and the 3box-comments-react component. In this case, the login logic implemented in the dapp should be passed to the Comments component as the loginFunction prop, which is run when a user attempts to post a comment. The user's current Ethereum address should be passed to the currentUserAddr prop to determine deletePost access on each comment.

C) Dapp has no web3 and 3Box login logic.

Dapp only integrates with the 3box-comments-react component, but not 3Box.js SDK. All web3 and 3Box login logic will be handled within the Comments component, though it's required for the ethereum object from your dapp's preferred web3 provider be passed to the ethereum prop in the component.

Best practice

For the best UX, we recommend implementing one of the following authentication patterns: A; B; or B with A.

Each of these patterns allow your application to make the box object available in global application state where it can be used by all instances of the Comments component regardless of which page the user is on. This global pattern removes the need for users to authenticate on each individual page they wish to comment on, which would be the case in C.

3. Configure application settings

First, choose a name for your application's 3Box space.

Although you are free to choose whichever name you'd like for your app's space, we recommend using the name of your app. If your application already has a 3Box space, you are welcome to use that same one for comments.

Next, choose a naming convention for your application's threads.

Comment threads need a name, and we recommend that your application creates threadNames according to a simple rule. We generally like using a natural identifier, such as community name, page URL, token ID, or other similar means.

Then, create an admin 3Box account for your application.

Each thread is required to have an admin (adminEthAddr), which possesses the rights to moderate the thread. We recommend you create an admin Ethereum account for your application so you can perform these actions. While technically you can use any Ethereum address as an admin account, we recommend creating a 3Box profile for that address so if you need to take action in the thread, others will know and trust you as the admin.

Lastly, initialize your application's space.

Before threads can be deployed in your dapp, your application's admin account (adminEthAddr created in the previous step) must first open the space (spaceName) that will be used to store your application's threads. This step must be completed before your comment threads can be used by others. This process would likely be done outside the context of your dapp, probably in a test environment.

Simply open a space by running (via 3Box.js SDK):

const box = await Box.openBox(adminEthAddr, ethereum);
const space = await box.openSpace(spaceName, spaceOpts);

Sign the web3 prompts to complete the space initialization process.

4. Usage


import ThreeBoxComments from '3box-comments-react';

const MyComponent = ({ handleLogin, box, ethereum, myAddress, currentUser3BoxProfile, adminEthAddr }) => (
        // required

        // Required props for context A) & B)

        // Required prop for context B)

        // Required prop for context C)

        // optional
        userProfileURL={address => `https://mywebsite.com/user/${address}`}

Prop Types

Property Type Default Required Case Description
spaceName String Always Likely your dApp name and / or comment category. A single spaceName with different threadNames is common practice when building a dApp with multiple Comment threads.
threadName String Always A name specific to this Comments thread.
adminEthAddr String (Ethereum Address) Always The Ethereum address you wish to give admin rights to for the Comments thread. This user will be able to delete all comments and accept members in a members-only thread. A thread with a new admin address, despite identical spaceName and threadName, will create an entirely new thread.
box Object A (and likely B) The box instance returned from running await Box.openBox(address, web3) somewhere in your dApp.
currentUserAddr String (Ethereum Address) A & B, optional for C The current user's Ethereum address. Passing this will help determine whether a user has delete access on each comment. This prop will also let the component fetch that user's 3Box profile on component mount and render that data (profile picture) in the Comment input UI.
loginFunction Function B A function from your dApp that handles web3 and 3Box login at the global dApp state. This callback will run when a user attempts to save a comment but a box instance doesn't yet exist. Running this function should result in a box instance (from const box = Box.openBox(address, web3)) being passed as the box prop to this component.
ethereum Object window.ethereum C The ethereum object from whichever web3 provider your dApp uses. The enable method on this object will be used to get the current user's Ethereum address and that address will be used to openBox within the current Component context.
members Boolean False Optional A boolean - true - to make the thread a members-only thread. Passing false will allow all users to post to the thread. Changing this setting after creating it will result in an entirely different thread (see Docs.3box.io for more info).
showCommentCount Integer 30 Optional The number of comments rendered in the UI by default on component mount and the number of additional comments revealed after clicking Load more in component.
spaceOpts Object Optional Optional parameters for threads (see Docs.3box.io for more info)
threadOpts Object Optional Optional parameters for threads (see Docs.3box.io for more info)
useHovers Boolean False Optional Pass true to enable a 3Box profile pop up when hovering over a commenter's name
currentUser3BoxProfile Object Optional If the current user has already had their 3Box data fetched at the global dApp state, pass the object returned from Box.getProfile(profileAddress) to avoid an extra request. This data will be rendered in the Comment input interface.
userProfileURL Function Defaults to returning user's 3Box profile URL Optional A function that returns a correctly formatted URL of a user's profile on the current platform. The function will be passed an Ethereum address within the component, if needed. A user will be redirected to the URL returned from this function when clicking on the name or Ethereum address associated with the comment in the thread.
