Simple to use initials avatar generator for iOS. Highly customizable, but with sane defaults. Works great as a avatar placeholder till network image is loaded or as an actual image if user has no avatar at all.
Defaults mimic look of Apple's own implementation of initial avatars, found in and on iPhone or OS X. Usage can be as simple those two lines:
CDFInitialsAvatar *initialsAvatar = [[CDFInitialsAvatar alloc] initWithRect: imageView.bounds fullName:@"Toto Tvalavadze"];
imageView.image = initialsAvatar.imageRepresentation; // actual drawing happens here
You can change backgroundColor
, initilasFont
and initialsColor
. This should cover everything. For details, refer to header file. It's well documented.
Example project also contains usage samples.
I believe generator should be responsible for content only, thus in case you want to mask content with circle (or pretty much any shape), please consider mask
layer of your UIImageView
See example project to view actual sample.
does not cache images it generates. Consider implementing your choice of image caching strategy when using it inside a cell views or in similar cases. In short, treat imageView.image = initialsAvatar.imageRepresentation
as a very expensive call (which it is).
Actual drawing happens when imageRepresentation
is called and obviously, is expensive. Consider using it wisely and wrapping it with your choice of caching strategy if needed.
No drawing or/and calculations happen on initWith...
MIT. Included in source files.