
The Learn Through Use Mod attempts to add a small element of realism to Baldur's Gate II by tracking weapon proficiencies for weapon types the player is actually using, rather than as arbitrary choice at level-up.

Primary LanguageDTrace

Latest Release


Learn Through Use attempts to add a small element of realism to the game. Rather than offering weapon proficiency points for weapon types the player may never have even seen, let alone used, Learn Through Use weapon proficiencies for weapon types the player is actually using. It makes sense - the more you hits an opponent with a weapon, the better you get at doing it! Each weapon type is handled individually (e.g. daggers and katana's are handled separately, as in the original game) and all items retain their assigned weapon proficiencies (e.g. The Flail of Ages still uses the Flail proficiency).

A proficiency point is awarded after a certain number of successful strikes on an opponent. The Learn Through Use Mod allows the player to choose the amount of weapon usage required for each proficiency point gained, and for each stage of proficiency, e.g. the first proficiency point could be gained for 10 successful strikes, the second could be gained for 20 successful strikes, the third for 40 successful strikes, the fourth for 80 and the fifth for 500.

The Learn Through Use Mod should affect all weapons that are installed in the game at the time the mod is installed, i.e. it should be installed late in the install process.

The Learn Through Use Mod now (optionally) allows the player to requier training to advance in weapon proficiency (in addition to experience with the weapon type). The mod allows the user to select whether training is to be provided for free, or whether a charge should be applied. The cost for each proficiency level can be set.