
Chef cookbook for managing some of the more hoary parts of SSH

Primary LanguageRuby

Chef SSH


Provides 2 LWRPs to manage system-wide and per-user ssh_config and known_host files.


When using SSH with Chef deployments, it's crucial to not get any prompts for input. Adding entries to known_hosts files and better managing your per-connection configuration can help with this.

An important thing to note is that if you create a user during a chef run, be sure to reload OHAI data so that the new user will be in the node data. For instance:

ohai "reload_passwd" do
    plugin "passwd"

Resources and Providers



add Adds an entry for the given host to a `known_hosts` file Yes
remove Removes entries for a host from a `known_hosts` file  


AttributeDescriptionDefault Value
host Name attribute: the FQDN for a host to add to a `known_hosts` file nil
hashed A Boolean indicating if SSH is configured to use a hashed `known_hosts` file. true
key A full line to add to the file, instead of performing a lookup for the host. nil
user A username to add the `known_hosts` entry for. If unspecified, the known_host will be added system-wide. Note: if specified, the user must already exist. nil
path A full path to a known_hosts file. If used with the `user` attribute, this will take precedence over the path to a user's file, but the file will be created (if necessary) as that user. nil


ssh_known_hosts "github.com" do
  hashed true
  user 'webapp'



add Adds an entry for the given host to a `ssh_config` file Yes
remove Removes entries for a host from a `ssh_config` file  


AttributeDescriptionDefault Value
host Name attribute: the string to match when connecting to a host. This can be an IP, FQDN (github.com), or contain wildcards (*.prod.corp) nil
options A hash containing the key-values to write for the host in true
user A username to add the `ssh_config` entry for. If unspecified, the known_host will be added system-wide. Note: if specified, the user must already exist. nil
path A full path to a known_hosts file. If used with the `user` attribute, this will take precedence over the path to a user's file, but the file will be created (if necessary) as that user. nil


ssh_config "github.com" do
  options 'User' => 'git', 'IdentityFile' => '/var/apps/github_deploy_key'
  user 'webapp'