
Primary LanguagePython


Week 1: Using Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Run instructions:

# Current working directory should be trr/

# Install dependencies
pip install -r ga-tsp/requirements.txt

# Run the script for the Western Sahara dataset
python ga-tsp/main.py

# Run the script for arbitrary dataset at path [PATH]
python ga-tsp/main.py [PATH]

TSP datasets taken from https://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/tsp/data/index.html

Week 5:

All example functions are taken from here: Wikipedia

Using Differential Evolution to optimize some test functions

# Current working directory should be trr/

# Install dependencies
pip install -r de/requirements.txt

# Run the script for the Western Sahara dataset
python de/main.py

C++ implementation of GA with example test functions


  • CMake 3.20 or higher
  • Functional build system such as Unix Makefiles, Ninja or MSVC
# Current working directory should be trr/
cd ga-test-func
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

# Run the test
cd build
./ga sphere <num_of_dimensions> # or "ga beale"