
A binary templating framework written in pure python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Pyplate is a binary templating framework written in pure python. It aims to add the functionality of statically typed structs to python easily and in a way that doesn't make you want to claw your eyes out.


To install pyplate, simply clone the repository and run the setup.py file.

git clone git@github.com:ThatITNinja/pyplate.git
python setup.py install

This is all that is required to install pyplate, however it is suggested that you install pyplate into a python virtualenvironment (using python virtualenv and virtualenv-wrapper).


Pyplate provides the standard data types (int, char, etc), as well as a template data type. Together, they provide the main functionality of the framework. A very simple example of usage can be seen below:

import pyplate
#pprint is not required, but provides a simple way to visualize results
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

#define the template
my_template = pyplate.template(name="MyAwesomeTemplate")(
  (pyplate.CHAR)(name="MyChar", repeat=2)

#provide data for the template to run on
my_string = pyplate.String("hello")

#extract data from my_string using the template

#view data extracted

#output of pprint
#{   'MyChar': [   {   'length': 1, 'offset': 0, 'value': 'h'},
#                  {   'length': 1, 'offset': 1, 'value': 'e'}]}

Within this example, several important features of pyplate are used. The first thing we do after we are done with imports is define our template:

#define the template
my_template = pyplate.template(name="MyAwesomeTemplate")(
  (pyplate.CHAR)(name="MyChar", repeat=2)

The defining of the template allows us to not only create a data structure, but it allows us to extract data using this data structure. This is done by using the template's cast and extract functions. All that you have to pass is a pyplate.File, pyplate.String, or open file object.

  • cast: The cast function provides a method to apply a data structure to an object without reading any data into the data structure itself. This works by recording offsets within an object based on a data type's size. note: a call to cast is required for the extract function to work, since it provides the offsets for the extract method to use when reading data into the structures. Cast also reads the variable definitions in the order they were passed to the template.

  • extract: The extract function provides a method to both apply a data structure to an object and read data into data structure.

Looking further inside of the template definition, we can see that there is this line:

(pyplate.CHAR)(name="MyChar", repeat=2)

This line is actually a definition for a variable named "MyChar" that is a list of 2 pyplate.CHAR's. You can have as many variables as you want defined in a template. This is just one of many data types provided by pyplate. The full list is:

  • pyplate.BYTE

  • pyplate.CHAR

    note: pyplate.CHAR supports the parameter extract_as_string which is either True or False. This will concatenate the char's into a single string. You can then access it through template["variables"]["my_variable"]["value"].

  • pyplate.SCHAR

  • pyplate.UCHAR

  • pyplate.BOOL

  • pyplate.SHORT

  • pyplate.USHORT

  • pyplate.INT

  • pyplate.UINT

  • pyplate.LONG

  • pyplate.ULONG

  • pyplate.LLONG

  • pyplate.ULLONG

  • pyplate.FLOAT

  • pyplate.DOUBLE

Each of these data types are in fact usable without a template, as they each provide their own extract and cast methods. The only difference between the template cast and the data type cast is that you must supply an extra parameter file_length to the data type's cast. This is to prevent attempting to cast a data type past the end of an object.

If you wish to add more variable definitions to a template after you have defined it, you can simply use the template.append function (ex: template.append((pyplate.INT)(name="myAddedVariable"))). This will append the data type to the template's definition. You can also pass the data type to the template directly using my_template((pyplate.INT)(name="myAddedVariable")) because template's __call__ method will append the data type to the structure.

Next in the example, a data source is prepared:

#provide data for the template to run on
my_string = pyplate.String("hello")

Here, you can see that my_string is a pyplate.String object. pyplate.String allows a str type to be operated on by the template and data types. However, there are two classes such as this:

  • pyplate.String: pyplate.String turns a regular string (of type str) into a StringIO object so that it can be used as if it were a file.

  • pyplate.File: pyplate.File takes a path and opening-mode just like you would pass to open, and can be used with context managers (ex: with pyplate.File(...) as my_file:...).

NOTE You are still able to use open and pass it to a template or data type, however this is not suggested as it could cause the template extraction and casting performance to slow.

Following this in the example, the template extracts information from the data source:

#extract data from my_string using the template

This extracts information from my_string and the template stores it appropriately inside itself for accessing later.

Finally, in the example you can see that the information from the data source is accessed:

#view data extracted

In order to access the information extracted by the template, you must use template["variables"] to extract variables, or template["templates"] to access templates (template nesting is explained later) within the template that was extracted.

Both template["variables"] and template["templates"] return dictionaries that you can use to access the extracted information. In the example, you can see that the template["variables"] has extracted 2 pyplate.CHAR's and assigned them to the name MyChar, just like in the template definition:

#output of pprint
#{   'MyChar': [   {   'length': 1, 'offset': 0, 'value': 'h'},
#                  {   'length': 1, 'offset': 1, 'value': 'e'}]}

Therefore, you could access the first pyplate.CHAR of MyChar by using: my_template["variables"]["MyChar"][0]. This then gives you a dictionary of the length of the data type, the offset of where the data value was extracted, and the value that was extracted.

Template Nesting

Because of the way pyplate was designed, templates are able to be nested within each other. This allows for clean logic separation and extensability of each template. An example of nested templates can be seen below:

import pyplate
#pprint is not required, but provides a simple way to visualize results
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

#define the template
my_template = pyplate.template(name="MyAwesomeTemplate")(
  (pyplate.CHAR)(name="MyChar", repeat=2),

#provide data for the template to run on
my_string = pyplate.String("hello")

#extract data from my_string using the template

In this example, you can see that there is one master template, and one child template in my_template:

#define the template
my_template = pyplate.template(name="MyAwesomeTemplate")(
  (pyplate.CHAR)(name="MyChar", repeat=2),

This is allowed because template is an object that is extractable and castable just like a data type. Because of this, you can also use the template.append function to append templates to a data structure.

Skipping the data source definition that was explained in the Usage portion of documentation, we can see that information is extracted from my_string:

#extract data from my_string using the template

After extracting the data from my_string using my_template, you can now access the variables that belong to "MyAwesomeTemplate" by accessing my_template["variables"]["MyAwesomeTemplate"]. However, to access the variables that belong to "MyInnerTemplate", you must use:


This is because my_template["templates"] is a dictionary of template names to template objects. Therefore, to access the variables of "MyInnerTemplate", you use my_template["templates"]["MyInnerTemplate"] to get the template object, and then get a variable you access it through ...["variables"]["VARIABLE_NAME"].... For example:

#get template object:
inner_template = my_template["templates"]["MyInnerTemplate"]
#get template variables
inner_template_variables = inner_template["variables"]

Utility Functions

To help aid in templating, pyplate provides utility functions to manipulate data object attributes inside of a template. These functions are:

  • pyplate.FSeek: pyplate.FSeek allows you to seek a specific offset when the template is being defined. for example:

    #define the template
    my_template = pyplate.template(name="MyTemplate")(
    #define data source
    my_string = pyplate.String("hello")
    #extract data into template

    This will result in the variables "MyChar" and "MyChar2" equal "h" and "l" respectively.