
Primary LanguagePython


This is a repo to outline a resolution for a test given for the following information below.


Imagine that we need to monitor a domain name for the presence of a special DNS TXT record and use that information to trigger printing a message to STDOUT. The requirements specify that the solution will have to run on an existing EC2 instance.


Implement a script/process/service that can:

  1. Monitor DNS TXT records of a specified $hostname every $d seconds.
  2. Print date and time every time $substring is detected in any TXT record.
  3. Feel free to use whatever tools, languages, libraries, frameworks, etc that you think are needed / you are most comfortable with.
  4. Create a git repo including all required files plus a README.md which documents the commands needed to run (hypothetically) deploy your project.
  5. Test variable values: a. $hostname = devopswithbrian.com” b. $d = 5 seconds c. $substring = “google-site”

Using This Repo

So this is a pretty basic setup, it uses Poetry to set everything up and manage dependencies.

  1. Install the package with pip install . from the root dir.

  2. Please note this script expects either DNS_HOSTNAME and DNS_SUBSTRING to be setup as env vars before hand in your shell, etc where you are running this or you can add them to the below command via adding in --hostname whatever.com and --substring google-site. It uses the env var if nothing is supplied from the cli.

    You can also supply a different duration via --duration 10 if you want a shorter or longer seconds check, by default it will use 5 seconds.

  3. To run the script python3 dns_test/dns_query.py from the root of the project. As stated above if you don't already have the env vars setup you would run poetry run python3 dns_test/dns_query.py --hostname whatever.com --substring google-site for the check with the default 5 second duration.

In future development of this, this would be best served even as a python package then can just be installed that way and not have to be cloned down, etc.

Ways of Running This

So there are a few ways you could actually run this, I would recommend the best way would be as a AWS Lambda or even Kubernetes cron job potentially. If you went the AWS Lambda route you could also write the data/events to a cloudwatch event or logs.

Otherwise if you wanted to say run this on a ec2 box for some reason then you would want to pip install it on the bring up of the ec2 instance and could set this up as a supervisor job or cron job, etc.