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PyPi Page for persistentdatatools
- Nothing Specific besides Python 3
- From source " install"
- From pip "pip install persistentdatatools"
- Python
This is a library used to manipulate, and save data quickly. It is just a bunch of shortcuts I use quite a bit to manipulate saved data.
- list_to_file(orig_list, file_name, file_location)
- file_to_list(file_name, file_location)
- csv_to_dict(file_name, file_location)
- store_object(file_name, save_key, file_location, object_to_store=None)
- retrieve_object_from_file(file_name, save_key, file_location)
- delete_object_from_file(file_name, save_key, file_location)
- verify_key_in_shelve(file_name, save_key, file_location)
- remove_spaces(string_item)
- remove_spaces_add_hyphen(string_item)
- remove_extra_spaces(string_item)
- verify_file_exists(file_name, file_location)
- verify_directory(directory_name, directory_location, directory_create=False)
- file_name_increase(file_name, file_location)
- dict_to_csv(orig_dict, file_name, field_names_tuple, file_location)
- remove_symbol_add_symbol(string_item, remove_symbol, add_symbol)
- list_files_in_directory(full_directory_path)
- get_keys_from_shelve(file_name, file_location)
retrieve_object_from_file: Uses get to retrieve key now, will not throw exception if it doesn't exist
verify_key_in_shelve: Uses get to retreive key now, will still return True, or False
- split_string_retain_spaces(string)
- split_strings_in_list_retain_spaces(orig_list)
- join_split_string(split_string)
- random_line_data(chars_per_line=80)
- random_data(line_count=1, chars_per_line=80)