
App that uses Google Map, Geolocation, and Travel Advisor Places APIs to display restaurants, hotels, and attractions nearby. Built using React and Material UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Languages: ReactJS, Material UI (CSS Framework)

APIs: Google Maps API, Geolocation API, Travel Advisor Places API

Features: search for attractions in your area (default) or any area you search for, smooth scroll, API integrations, environment variables


In the future: I may compile list of attractions and restaurants Anthony Bourdain recommended on his travels, hard-code them into an array, and then filter the Google Maps results to only include Bourdain-approved spots.

The project is hosted on Netlify. Feel free to mess around with it before I run out of monthly Travel Advisor API calls!

Thanks for reading about my travel advisor app! Please check out my other projects, and don't hesitate to drop me a line!