
An open source (GPL v3) Data Center Inventory Management (DCIM) application.

Primary LanguagePHP


An Open Source Software package for managing the infrastructure of a 
data center, no matter how small or large.  Initially developed 
in-house at Vanderbilt University Information Technology Services by 
Scott Milliken.  

After leaving Vanderbilt for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Vanderbilt 
granted permission for the package to be open sourced under GPLv3.  
Scott continues as the primary contributor to the package and is 
actively recruiting assistance from others.

    This program is free software:  you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    For further details on the license, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses


Github issues are not for asking questions - use the mailing list for that.

Official Website


Supposing you are using apache, php and apache-php-module firstly clone openDCIM in a directory which is accessible by apache user (e.g. /srv/http/) and then configure apache to load required modules and have access to project directory (you can define virtual host too).

If you're gonna create Dockerized development environment, you should enable apache's fast-cgi to connect to php-fpm's container


Install and Configure Mysql and PHP-Mysql

Follow the guide

Create Database and Configuration File

Create the database and user

	mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE DATABASE dcim;CREATE USER 'dcim'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'dcim';GRANT ALL ON dcim.* TO 'dcim'@'localhost';"
	mysql -udcim -pdcim < create.sql

Make db.inc.php from db.inc.php-dist

	cp db.inc.php-dist db.inc.php


Install php-snmp and enable it in /etc/php/php.ini by uncomment or adding the line containing: extension=snmp.so

Apache User Authentication (AUTHENTICATION, REMOTE USER)

Enbale below apache modules:

  • mod_authn_file.so
  • mod_authn_core.so
  • mod_authz_user.so
  • mod_authz_core.so
  • mod_auth_basic.so

Then follow this link To create apache authentication database (such as htpasswd) and enable apache auth in openDCIM directory (e.g. using .htaccess in root). As an example you can follow this instruction (Don't forget to change paths and names to correct onse):

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/users pouyan
echo 'AuthName "restricted stuff"\nAuthType Basic\nAuthUserFile /etc/httpd/users\nrequire valid-user' > /srv/http/openDCIM

Apache Rewrite (MOD_REWRITE)

Install Apache Rewrite Module and enable it

Run the application

Execute application by openning it in browser and do the installation


Contributions are always welcome, please follow these steps to submit your changes:

  1. Install git from http://git-scm.com/

  2. Create a github account on https://github.com

  3. Set up your git ssh key using these instructions http://help.github.com/set-up-git-redirect

  4. Open the openDCIM project home page on github on https://github.com/samilliken/openDCIM/

  5. Click the "Fork" button, this will get you to a new page: your own copy of the code.

  6. Copy the SSH URL at the top of the page and clone the repository on your local machine

    git clone git@github.com:your-username/openDCIM.git my-opendcim-repo
  7. Create a branch and switch to it

    cd my-opendcim-repo
    git branch mynewfeature-patch
    git checkout mynewfeature-patch
  8. Apply your changes, then commit using a meaningful comment, that's the comment everybody will see!

    git add .
    git commit -m "Fixing issue 157, blablabla"
  9. Push the changes back to github (under a different branch, here myfeature-patch)

    git push origin mynewfeature-patch
  10. Open your forked repository on github at https://github.com/your-username/openDCIM

  11. Click "Switch Branches" and select your branch (mynewfeature-patch)

  12. Click "Pull Request"

  13. Submit your pull request to the openDCIM Developers