
The Chalet Cheese factory sells a variety of different cheeses. This project aims to create an interactive data visualizer program with a graphic user interface (GUI) to help a local farm analyze and report on the milk that has been sold to them by their farmers.

Primary LanguageJava


The Chalet Cheese factory sells a variety of different cheeses. This project aims to create an interactive data visualizer program with a graphic user interface (GUI) to help a local farm analyze and report on the milk that has been sold to them by their farmers.

This program uses Java, JavaFx, and JUnit.

The main functions of the program:

  1. Add data:
  • Add single data (data for a day)
  • Add data from a file (data for a month)
  1. Adjust data:
  • Choose a data range to display the data and adjust the data directly on an interactive table
  1. Report:
  • Farm Report: display the monthly total milk weight, monthly average milk weight, and the share (percentage) of the milk weight bought from that farm for a given year
  • Annual Report: display total milk weight, average monthly milk weight, and the total share of farms for a given year
  • Monthly Report: display the total, average, and share of farms for a given month
  • Date Range report: display the total and share of farms in the given date range
  • Export: write any of the above report to an output csv file