
The bullpen is a collection of homemade functions and procedures for general use

Primary LanguagePython


The bullpen is a collection of homemade functions and procedures for general use. It's contents include:

  1. entropyFunction.ipynb This notebook contains a homemade entropy() function which calulated the Entropy from a list of item counts of a collection of objects. It's used to manually decide splitting when building a decision tree.

2)main_function_with_variable_numArguments.py This function is a template for how to define arguments to pass to a python script, as well as how to make some optional, and to pass variable numbers of arguments to the main call and into the script execution.

  1. master_caller directory contains caller.py and master.py They exist as a simple template examle of one script calling another. master has a function that computes a factorial. caller just calls the master script.

  2. fractal.py Script takes no arguments. It contains two functions (rgb_conv(iterator) and (mandelbrot()).
    The former converts pixel values based on an iterator in the mandelbrot function. The later takes x & y pixel coordinates and generates a corresponding complex number using numpy.complex(). The script will iterate over a range of 1000 (step 1) and the final output is an image of the mandelbrot fractal both displayed and saved to the current directory ("mandelbrot.png").

5) opencv_videostream.py
	Simple use of the python cv2 modele to stream your webcam.  Video is 
	imported as RGB numpy array and displayed realtime in a while loop.  Image feed can
	be converted to grayscale (see comments).  Press q to close the loop
	and the video stream.
6) watchdog.py
	A script that uses the python 'watchdog' sweeper package to monitor a directory (watchdog.observers)
	for creations, modifications, or deletions, and takes a user specified action watchdog.events.  The
	script is simple and easy for user modification to tailor to a specific use case.  After modifying, just launch the
	script and let it run.