
Analytics project for SFU's CMPT733 course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Skills Job Advisor

Datasets, raw findings and additional data

You can find them in this Google Drive folder (request permission if needed)

These datasets come from Indeed resume repository which was scraped using this scraping tool that we also built ourselves.

Data should not contain any private details (but they may accidentally do, considering the unstructured nature of resumes). We ask of you not to share or make the data public, thank you.

Cleaning data

Resume data

In order to clean resume data, make sure that you have them all in one directory. Then you can invoke the following

sh scripts/clean_dataset.sh <path to directory holding resume data>

The script file will automatically make a cleaned directory under the given directory and the cleaned resumes will be put there as JSON files

Cleaning O-NET Job Titles

To clean O-NET job title (used for job title ER/normalization) then just run the following

python -m src.clean_alternate_titles onet/onet_alternate_titles.csv onet/cleaned_onet_alternate_titles.json
gzip onet/cleaned_onet_alternate_titles.json

The alternate titles willn lower case and removed of punctuations and stopwords.

Running Job Title Normalization (ER)

This has only been tested on the SFU cluster but please perform the following steps (assuming you've uploaded the project to the gateway)

First go to the SFU cluster and download the punkt and stopwords nltk data

ssh gateway.sfucloud.ca
module load spark
module load pypy3

# just download all
python -m nltk.downloader all

Now zip the corpora and tokenizers folders

cd ~/nltk_data/corpora
zip -r corpora.zip .
mv corpora.zip <path to project directory>

cd ~/nltk_data/tokenizers
zip -r tokenizers.zip .
mv tokenizers.zip <path to project directory>

Now in the project directory

# zip lib directory
zip -r lib.zip lib

You should do the above everytime you change the relevant parts in lib.zip

Now you can just run (make sure you've done module load spark and module load pypy3)

sh scripts/run_job_title_er.sh <relative path to resume dataset> onet/cleaned_onet_alternate_titles.json.gz

This will take quite a while