
An asynchronous Clojure interface to JDBC

Primary LanguageClojure


An in-progress asynchronous manifold interface to the synchronous java.jdbc using a dirigiste thread pool. This library is not yet ready for serious use.

[jdbca "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


(require '[jdbca :as j])
(require '[manifold.stream :as s])

;; db would be a connection pool in production code
(def db {:subprotocol "postgresql"
         :subname "//localhost:5432/bts"
         :user "bts"
         :password ""})

(-> (j/query db ["select *, pg_sleep(1) from dogs where name = ?" "abe"])
    (partial s/map :name)
    (fn [e] "caught: " e)))
;=> << … >>
;=> << "abe" >>


This project currently only contains the JDBC functionality I need in another project. Contributions are welcome.

Next on the list is transaction support. I'm currently considering a faux-monadic interface that's a blend of let-flow and postgres.async's dosql, where each of the bindings will be made sequentially, and any failure will result in the entire form realizing an error-deferred:

(j/do [tx (j/begin {:isolation :serializable})
       rs1 (j/execute! tx ["insert into dogs (name) values (?)" "new dog"])
       rs2 (j/execute! tx ["insert into cats (name) values (?)" "new cat"])
       _ (j/commit!)]
  (concat rs1 rs1))

To simplify transaction semantics, I think the current j/query function should probably be changed to just return a deferred yielding a clojure sequence instead of a manifold stream.


Copyright © 2015 Brian Schroeder

Distributed under the MIT License.