
Node Red node set for using node-opencv in Node Red

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node Red node set for using node-opencv in Node Red


ocv global

This node adds a structure 'ocv-api' to the globals in NodeRed, allowing function nodes to use node-opencv functionality, but simplify interaction with the node-red-contrib-ocv node set.

The api may be accessed like:

var ocvapi = global.get("ocv-api");

and contains:

   cv: node-opencv root object,
   getimagename( obj, msg ): return the input image name or null, may set status and produce warnings\n"+
   releaseone( msg, name ): release the named img/data from the frame in the msg\n"+
   releaseall( msg ): release all images/data in the frame in the msg\n"+
   sendframe( obj, data, msg ): send a NEW msg containing the original frame from msg plus the data named as obj.name\n"+

See API notes below.

ocv videoin

reads video from a camera

ocv resize

Resizes an image

ocv encode

Encodes an image to jpeg data in a buffer

ocv bg

calculates the difference between an image and a running average background using MOG2 from Opencv

ocv order

queues messages and emits them in frame order.

Note: currently this will be fragile if a frame is lost (no protection against too many frames being stored).

ocv contours

extracts contours from an image synchronously using

var cnts = im.findContours(node.api.cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, node.api.cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

ocv template

not actually a node - template.js and template.html are files to use as templates for creating a new node.

API Notes

frame representation

A frame of data is a collection of data for a specific point in time.

This may contain one or more opencv images, plus other data (e.g. jppeg data, contours, etc).

A frame is stored in a Node-Red message at msg.payload.frame

The base structure is ;

frame: {
   number: the frame number since start
   data:{ - a container for named data within the frame, e.g.:
     videoin: - opencv mat representing the frame read by the node 'videoin'

Frame data is generally named according to the node name of the originating node.

When a node sends a frame, it adds it's name in msg.payload.name, and this may be used by the next node to determine which chunk of data it is to process if not configured to process a specifically named piece of data.

node representation.

The API calls are designed for use from the native nodes. However, they may be used from function nodes if certain expectations are met.

for getimagename( obj, msg ) and sendframe(obj, data, msg ):

'obj' in a call is normally the node itself. The calls will use the following functions and variables:

obj.api - must be the api structure
obj.status - std NR function
obj.error - std NR function
obj.warn - std NR function
obj.send(msg) - std NR function
obj.toprocess - the name of the data to be processed from the frame
obj.haserrored - a flag indicating that an error has occurred since 'reset'.
obj.reset(obj) - an optional function indicating a msg received was a rest message.

getimagename( obj, msg )

This function takes the 'obj' and an input msg, and retrieves the name of the data to process.

It first checks for a rest msg, and then checks other msg parameters are correct for an ovc message containing a frame.

If there is any problem, an error will be show using status, and obj.error() will be called; but only for the first error encountered.

If there is any problem, the function will return null, which indicates there is no processing to do.

getimage(node, msg, name)

Retrieves the named image/data. If name is not provided, then it will use getimagename to get one.

By having a function for this rather than just accessing the msg directly, we allow for future enhancements.

releaseone(obj, msg, name)

Releases the memory for the named image/data in the frame in the msg

releaseall(obj, msg)

Releases the memory for all the images/data in the frame in the msg

sendframe( obj, data, msg )

creates a new msg from the frame in msg, add 'data' to the frame using 'obj.name' as the name of the data, and sends the new msg on the first output.

example code


    node.api = global.get('ocv-api');
    node.name = 'myname';
    var im = node.api.getimage(node, msg);
    // if error or no processing required
    if (im){
       (do something with img)
       api.sendframe(node, outputdata, msg);
       if (releaseinput){
           api.releaseone(node, msg, toprocess);
    if (releaseall){
        api.releaseall(node, msg);