
squelch stdout and stderr

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm install muffle


Muffle exports a single function, which will squelch the console as well as process.stdout and process.stderr. All methods on muffle return the muffle function/object for chaining.

var muffle = require("muffle");


console.log("this won't appear");
process.stdout.write("nor this\n");
muffle.log("this will appear -- all console methods are available")


console.log("this will appear");
process.stdout.write("this too");


As long as muffle is the absolute first thing required in your app, you are guaranteed that all userland code gets the muffled proxies of console, stdout, and stderr. HOWEVER, Node core and/or the V8 JavaScript runtime can still do things that end up in stdout/stderr, most obviously throwing an error. Catching (or silencing) uncaught errors is beyond the scope of this module.