This package constitutes an interactive R problem set based on the RTutor package ( It is about the influence of soap operas on the fertility based on the paper "Soap Operas and Fertility: Evidence from Brazil" by Eliana La Ferrara, Alberto Chong and Suzanne Duryea (2012). The paper can be downloaded on this link:

To install RTutor and work on the problem set you follow these steps:

1. Installation

RTutor and this package is hosted on Github. To install everything, run the following code in your R console.

if (!require(devtools))

2. Show and work on the problem set

To start the problem set first create a working directory in which files like the data sets and your solution will be stored. Then adapt and run the following code.


# Adapt your working directory to an existing folder
# Adapt your user name"Jon Doe", package="RTutorSoapOperas",
       load.sav=TRUE, sample.solution=FALSE)

If everything works fine, a browser window should open, in which you can start exploring the problem set.