
Gofluff is a fork of the Golint tool, adding command line flags for selecting the specific rules that you want to check.

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Gofluff is a fork of Golint, adding command line flags for selecting the specific rules that you want to check.

Build Status


Gofluff requires Go 1.6 or later.

go get -u github.com/btubbs/gofluff/gofluff


Invoke gofluff with one or more filenames, directories, or packages named by its import path. Gofluff uses the same import path syntax as the go command and therefore also supports relative import paths like ./.... Additionally the ... wildcard can be used as suffix on relative and absolute file paths to recurse into them.

The output of this tool is a list of suggestions in Vim quickfix format, which is accepted by lots of different editors.

Ignoring and Specifying Rules

To ignore a specific rule, use the -ignore flag and give it the same code shown in parentheses when the error is printed out. If you see an error like this:

testdata/4.go:27:5: (comments.exportedval) exported var W should have comment or be unexported

You can ignore it like this:

gofluff -ignore comments.exportedval testdata/4.go

You can ignore a whole class of rules by providing just the parent category:

gofluff -ignore comments testdata/4.go

You can pass multiple things to ignore by joining them with a comma:

gofluff -ignore naming.leadingk,naming.allcaps testdata/names.go

If you only want to check for a specific rule or category of rules, you can use the -rules flag (a whitelist) instead of the -ignore flag (a blacklist).

gofluff -rules naming,comments testdata/4.go

If you provide both a -rules whitelist and a -ignore blacklist, the blacklist will take precedence. You can use this to specify whole categories to check, and then exclude specific rules within them:

gofluff -rules comments -ignore comments.exportedval testdata/4.go


Gofluff differs from golint. Golint has a hard-coded set of warnings matching Google's internal style rules, whereas gofluff allows teams to define their own subset of these rules.

Gofluff differs from gofmt. Gofmt reformats Go source code, whereas gofluff prints out style mistakes.

Gofluff differs from govet. Govet is concerned with correctness, whereas gofluff is concerned with coding style.

If you find an established style that is frequently violated, and which you think gofluff could statically check, file an issue or even better, submit a pull request.


Add this to your ~/.vimrc:

set rtp+=$GOPATH/src/github.com/btubbs/gofluff/misc/vim

If you have multiple entries in your GOPATH, replace $GOPATH with the right value.

Running :Lint will run gofluff on the current file and populate the quickfix list.

Optionally, add this to your ~/.vimrc to automatically run gofluff on :w

autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.go execute 'Lint' | cwindow


Add this to your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path (concat (getenv "GOPATH")  "/src/github.com/btubbs/gofluff/misc/emacs"))
(require 'golint)

If you have multiple entries in your GOPATH, replace $GOPATH with the right value.

Running M-x gofluff will run gofluff on the current file.

For more usage, see Compilation-Mode.