

Primary LanguageJava

UniversalToast:an elegant and flexible toast which can handle click event



  • elegant & flexible
  • can handle click event & custom duration (by adding view with WindowManager)
  • auto avoid BadTokenException in android N (which cannot be caught in you application)


  • step 1 : add dependency
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.bboylin:UniversalToast:v1.0.3'
  • step 2 : simply use it like system toast
UniversalToast.makeText(context, text, duration).show();
UniversalToast.makeText(context, text, duration,type).show();

duration must be either UniversalToast.LENGTH_LONG or UniversalToast.LENGTH_SHORT, type must be one of UniversalToast.UNIVERSAL ,UniversalToast.EMPHASIZE,UniversalToast.CLICKABLE, by default UniversalToast.UNIVERSAL.

from left to right : UNIVERSALEMPHASIZECLICKABLE , you can set the icon and text as you like 。

  • further api:

UniversalToast.makeText(context, text, UniversalToast.LENGTH_SHORT, UniversalToast.CLICKABLE)
              .setBackground(drawable)//set the background drawable as you like
              .setColor(R.color.my_color)//set the background color as you like
              .setIcon(R.drawable.my_ic)// set the icon as you like (it's visibility is gone until you set icon)

it has been provided 3 basically default icons for you,you can use showSuccess(),showWarning() or showError() instead of show()

from left to right : showSuccessshowWarningshowError (the pics above shows the type EMPHASIZE ,you can also use CLICKABLE or UNIVERSAL


using UniversalToast.CLICKABLE requires permission : android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW


thanks to : ToastCompat