
Turn a pluggable transport for Tor into a obfuscating TCP proxy.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Turn any pluggable transport for Tor into a obfuscating TCP proxy.

This script is compatible with PT protocol version 1 without Extended ORPort and is independent from Tor.

Python version

python3 ptproxy.py [-c|-s] [config.json]

  • No external programs needed.
  • PySocks is included for SOCKS4/5 communication with PTs.

-c|-s is for overriding the role in the config file.

The JSON config file is explained below or in the head of ptproxy.py. It MUST NOT contain the comment lines.

    // Role: client|server
    "role": "server",
    // Where to store PT state files
    "state": ".",
    // For server, which address to forward
    // For client, which address to listen
    "local": "",
    // For server, which address to listen
    // For client, the server address to connect
    "server": "",
    // The PT command line
    "ptexec": "obfs4proxy -logLevel=ERROR -enableLogging=true",
    // The PT name, must be only one
    "ptname": "obfs4",
    // [Client] PT arguments
    // [Optional][Server] PT options
    // <key>=<value> [;<key>=<value> ...]
    "ptserveropt": "",
    // [Optional][Client] Which outgoing proxy must PT use
    // <proxy_type>://[<user_name>][:<password>][@]<ip>:<port>
    "ptproxy": ""

Note:When the server starts successfully, it will print out ptargs. Copy and paste this value to your client config file.

Original Bash version: ptproxy.sh.

Deprecated: socat doesn't have full SOCKS5 support at present.


./ptproxy.sh {-c|-s} [server] [bind_ip] [bind_port] [pt_args]

  • -c for client
  • -s for server

Before executing the script, you need to first edit the variables listed in the script. Some can be overriden on the command line.


  • bash, awk
  • socat (client)
  • the Pluggable Transport you need


This only operates as a TCP proxy. If you need a HTTP/SOCKS/etc. proxy, first install related softwares on the server.

The security or obfuscation provided fully depends on the Pluggable Transport you choose. This script is only a wrapper, and is provided AS IS with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.


将任何用于 Tor 的传输插件做成 TCP 混淆代理。

这个脚本兼容 Tor 传输插件协议版本 1,不支持 Extended ORPort。该脚本独立于 Tor。

Python 版

python3 ptproxy.py [-c|-s] [config.json]

  • 不需要外部程序。
  • 已包含 PySocks 与传输插件通信。

使用 -c|-s 参数可覆盖配置文件中 role 的值。

以下是对 JSON 配置文件的解释(在 ptproxy.py 的头部也有)。配置文件中不能包含注释行。

    // 指定工作模式: client|server 客户端或服务器
    "role": "server",
    // 传输插件状态文件储存位置
    "state": ".",
    // 对于服务器,指定要转发的地址
    // 对于客户端,指定本地监听地址
    "local": "",
    // 对于服务器,指定服务端监听地址
    // 对于客户端,指定要连接的服务端地址
    "server": "",
    // 传输插件的命令行
    "ptexec": "obfs4proxy -logLevel=ERROR -enableLogging=true",
    // 传输插件名称,只能有一个
    "ptname": "obfs4",
    // [客户端] 传输插件的参数
    // [可选][服务端] 传输插件的选项
    // <键>=<值> [;<键>=<值> ...]
    "ptserveropt": "",
    // [可选][客户端] 传输插件前置代理
    // <代理类型>://[<用户名>][:<密码>][@]<IP>:<端口>
    "ptproxy": ""

注意:服务端成功启动后,会输出 ptargs 参数。请复制粘贴该值到客户端配置文件。

原始Bash版: ptproxy.sh.

已废弃: socat 目前对 SOCKS5 支持不完整。


./ptproxy.sh {-c|-s} [server] [bind_ip] [bind_port] [pt_args]

  • -c 客户端
  • -s 服务端



  • bash, awk
  • socat (客户端)
  • 你需要的传输插件


这个项目仅能作为 TCP 连接代理。如果你需要一个 HTTP/SOCKS 等代理,请先在服务器上安装相应的软件。
