This is for my personal setup and this document is just to remember what stuff is needed.
- Power10k needed for zsh theme
- manually install font from power10k
- tpm for tmux (package manager)
Common stuff
ln -s "${HOME}/.config/tmux/.tmux.conf" "${HOME}/.tmux.conf"
Mac Essentials:
Get Mac to be more like linux and i3wm
Add spotlight shortcut to be alt + d Add shortcuts for windows alt + 1...9
# yabai makes it feel like i3
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai
brew services start yabai
# skhd keyboard shortcuts
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
brew services start skhd
# disable animations
sh ./
# i3status replacement
brew install cmacrae/formulae/spacebar
# start spacebar
brew services start spacebar
# nice terminal
brew install --cask alacritty
brew install jq
# link configs
ln -s "${HOME}/.config/yabai/.yabairc" "${HOME}/.yabairc"
ln -s "${HOME}/.config/yabai/.skhdrc" "${HOME}/.skhdrc"
brew install fzf
Cheatsheets for yabai
# Movement
alt + arrow keys move focus between windows (or use h,j,k,l)
alt + shift + arrow keys move space in direction (or use h,j,k,l)
alt + shift + n move space to workspace n
alt + ctrl + arrow keys set insertion point in focused container (or use h,j,k,l)
alt + return open terminal
alt + w close focused space
alt + f toggle fullscreen
alt + d toggle spotlight search
#Switching between modes:
alt + e - normal mode (New windows will open next to each other)
alt + s - stack mode (New windows will open on top of each other)
#cycle through windows while you’re in stack mode
alt - p - next window on the stack
alt - n - previous window on the stack
thanks to:
Cheatsheet for zsh
# vim like commands
^j history up
^k history down
^l autocomplete
^h clear suggestion
ts tmux new session
ta tmux attach
Cheatsheet for tmux
^a I install and reload
^a R reload